of Repton, played a game of chess with my brother many years ago, on the top of a Dorsetshire coach, on a dark night, and of course without a board before them. The last time I played with my brother I won two out of three games of him, and I was and am a poor player, wholly out of practice. Whether Dr. Pears was a better player than his friend I do not know, nor do I remember who won the game on the coach-top. But I think the faculty of keeping a mental photograph of the chess-board before you is no certain sign, and gives no certain promise, of uncommon skill in chess-playing. I meant to write this in time for your last issue, and I hope that my neglect may not stand in the way of your kindly inserting it, as a case in point.—I am, Sir, &c., Northmarston, January 31. S. B. JAMES.