5 FEBRUARY 1898, Page 15

Sin,—I imagine that the Devil ' s clock must have been part

of the stock-in-trade of the pulpit in a more merciless age. Sixteen years ago a garrulous old women at Dundee told me that, in her girlhood, she had heard a preacher tell the people that there was a "knock "—i.e., "clock," Scottice--in hell which "aye gaed this wye : Forever—Never'---Forever--- Never"! The hinted meaning seemed to be : "Forever

victims, never shall you escape " ! Some of your readers who are learned in old sermons may possibly be able to confirm the occurrence of this fantastic image. Lord Tennyeen as a boy might have read or heard something of the kind, though he had forgotten the fact in his old age. As to the origin of Longfellow's verses, does he not himself prefix to them a French motto,—one of a less terrifying nature ?—I am, Sir, &c.,