5 FEBRUARY 1898, page 15

A Pickwickia.n Socialist.

[To THE EDITC:R OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE, — May I point out a ctaracteristic of the late Mr. Charles Villiers to which your 4bitnary notice of him makes no reference? His......

Letters To The Editor.

THE LATE LORD CARLINGFORD AND IRISH LAND LEGISLATION. [To TeX EDITOR OF THZ " SPECTATOR:I SIE,—John Mill said that Mr. Chichester Fortescue's Irish Land Bill was the most......

Sin,—i Imagine That The Devil ' S Clock Must Have Been Part

of the stock-in-trade of the pulpit in a more merciless age. Sixteen years ago a garrulous old women at Dundee told me that, in her girlhood, she had heard a preacher tell the......

Mr. Gosse On English Literature.

[To TER EDITOR OF TEl "SPECTATOR:"] Srn,—Yon have reviewed my " Short History of English Literature " in the Spectator of January 29th with so charm! ing a courtesy, and with an......

The West Indian Question.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—With reference to the article in the Spectator of January 22nd, I should like to point out, in justice to West Indian planters, that :—......