MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for February
:—The Century, Pall Mall Magazine, St. Nicholas, the New Review, Macmillan's Magazine, the Review of Reviews, Blackwood's Magazine, the Cornhill Magazine, the Expository Times, the North American Review, Cassell's Magazine, Chambers's Journal, Lippincott, Knowledge, the English Illustrated Magazine, the Quiver, the Artist, the Strand Magazine, the Sunday it Home, the Parents' Review, Good Worde, the Forum, To-Morrow, Harper's Magazine, the Garden, History of Mankind, Belgravia, the Argosy, English Portraits, Chapman's Magazine, the Home Uaivers7ty, the Boy's Own Paper, the Encyclopxdia of Sport, the Magazine of Art, the Girl's Own Paper, the Portfolio, the Badminton Magazine, the Month, the Indian Magazine and Review, Costnopolis, the Sunday Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly, the Monist, the Lady's Realm, the Humanitarian, the Bookman, the Gentle- man's Magazine, the Queen's Empire, the Author, the Navy and Army, the West End Review, the Railway World, Harper's Round Table, the Geographical Journal, the Englishwoman, London Society, the United Service Magazine, the Ladies' Kennel Journal, the Mission World, the American Book Buyer, the Architectural Review, the New Century Review, Cassell's Illustrated History of England, Part I., the American Historical Review, the Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation.