5 FEBRUARY 1898, Page 28


Anderson (J. G.), A Manual of French Prose Construction, cr 8vo (Blackie) 5/0 Barsac (L.), Shadow and Ir wellies, 16mo (Unicorn Press) 3/6

Bayne (W.), James Thomson (Famous Scots Series), or 8vo (Oliphant) 1/6

Caird (31.), The Morality of Marriage, and other Essays, fko tRedway) 6/0 Carroll (L.), Three Sunsets, and other Poems, 410 (Macmillan) 4/0 Clark (Stewart), by " E. S. C.," Cr 8vo (Bailliere) 7,6 Oleo the Magnificent, by "Z. Z.," or 8vo (Heinemann) 6/0 Constable's Hand Gazetteer of India, Cr 8vo (Constable) 10/6 Oragg (A. R.), Hints to Young Valuers, Pro (Land Agents' Record Office) 25/0 Devitt (M.), Life and Progress in Australasia. cr 8vo 1Methuen) 6/0 Dickens (AL A.), Against the Tide, cr 8vo (Hutchinson) 6/0 Drummond (EL), For the Religion, cr Pro (Smith & Elder) 6/0

Dyer (E. J.), The Routes and Mineral Resources of N.W. Canada ...(Pbilip) 6/0 Earle (J.), Simple Grammar of English now in Use, cr 8vo (Smith & Elder) 6/0 ',vans E. P.), Evolutional Ethics & Animal Psychology, cr 8vo (Heinemann) 9/0

Fleming (J. A.), Magnets and Electric Currents, cr 8vo (Span) 7/6 Freyberger (L.), The Pocket Formulary for the Treatment of Disease in Children, 12mo (Rebman) 6/6 Goadby (L.), The Wrath of Achilles, cr 8v0 (Vaughan) 36

Hannay (D.), The Later Renaissance, cr 8vo Blackwood) 5/0

Henley (W. E.), Poems, cr 13yo (Nutt) 6;0 Hogan (J. F.), The Gladstone Colony, 8vo (Unwin) 7,6 Ingelfingen (Prince), Letters on Strategy. 2 vole. Pro (K. Paul) 30/0 Ireland (Mrs. Alex.), Longer Flights, cr 8vo (Digby & Long) 6/0 Jervis (W. E.), Thomas Best Jervis, or 8vo (stock) 716 Jewell (L. C. R. Duncombe), Handbook to British Military Stations Abroad, 12mo ( (S. Low) 3/6 Johnson (C.), A Book of Country Clouds and Sunshine, 410 (K. Paul) 7/6 Johnson (C.), The New England Country, 4to (K. Pant) 7/6 Kinsky (Count C.), Tbe Diplomatist's Handbook fer Africa, my 8vo (K. Paul) 10/6 Lacey (T. A.), The Unity of the Church, 12mo (S.P.O. K.) 20 Lachambre (H.) and Another, Andre° and his Balloon, cr Pro (Constable) 6/0 Macey (F. W.). Specifications in Detail, 8vo (Spoil) 21/0 Mayo (C. P. H.), Easy Problem Papers, cr 8vo (Longmans) 4/6 Mitchell (S. Weir), Hugh Wynne, Cr 8vo (Unwin) 6/0 O'Brien (H.). The Round Towers of Ireland, 8vo (Thacker) 12/6 Pandian (T. B.), Indian Village Folk : their Works and Ways, or 8vo (Stock) 46 Pickering (P.), The Spirit is Willing, or 8vo (Bliss et Sands) 6/0 Progress in Women's Edneation, ed. by Countess of Warwick ...(Longmans) 6/0 Records of the Bergery of Sheffield, Pro (Stock) 10/6 Roberts (0. D.), A History of Canada, 8v0 (K. Paul) 10/6 Rotherham (A.), The New Quest, or 8vo (Nutt) 6/0

Simpson (M. O. M.) (née NaesatisSenior), Many Memories of Many People,

8vo (Arnold) 16/0 Snell (S.), A Practical Guide to the Examination of the Eye, cr 8vo (Pentland) 5/0 TaUerman Treatment (The) by Superheated Dry Air in Rheumatism, 8vo (Bailliere) 3/6 Terser (J. C.), Debateable Claims, or fivo (Constable) 6/0 Taylor (W.), Object Teaching for the Standards (Standards 1.—Ill.),

cr 8v0 (Nat ional Society) 3/6

Urquhart (3.), Modern Discoveries and the Bible, 8vo (Marshall Bros.) 6/0 Watson (G.), Shuffles: a Tale of Four, or 8vo (Digby & Long) 3/6 Webster (J. C.), Diseases of Women, or Pro (Pentland) 14/0 Westall (W.), A Woman Tempted Him, or 8vo (Chatto & Windus) 6/0 Wilkes (L. C. V.), Latin Historical Unseens for Army Classes ...(Blackwood) 2/0 Young (E ), The Kingdom of the Yellow Robe, roy bye (Constable) 15/0