• [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
- May I submit to both the writer and readers of the Puzzle " Christ and the Stars" the following : "Nor, for oil that we know, need the Incarnation be an isolated event, We cannot tell, but we may well suspect that it exhibits a I rinciple of divine operation, which may extend, mulatis mutandis, throughout the whole system of the universe, if it be His will, according to His good pleasure . . . to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the Heavens, and the things upon the earth.'•"• For we may notice that it is especially in connexion with the thought of laying down His life for the sheep that Christ Himself said, "Other sheep I have, which arc not of this lld: them also I must bring, and they shall hear My Voice • cod they shall become one flock; one shepherd " (R.V.)Word which certainly may have an application to other worlds