The Lore Of The Bier
Funeral Customs : their Origin and Development. By BertraM . S. - Puekle. Illustrated. (Laurie. 1613.) Wims,a man produces a book, may we not expect from him at least an......
Fair, Sweet And Young
Vie Ladles. By E. Barrington. (Bean. 10s. 6d.) HERE is a bundle of pretty conceits quite charmingly worked out. We start with an extract from the imaginary diary of Mrs.......
- The Magazines And Quarterlies
"Tan Five Fears of South Africa," by Lord Olivier, perhaps the most interesting article in this Month's Contemporary. These "Fears "—the fear of increasing corn. petition with......
The Spectator.
Before going abroad or on their holidays readers are advised to place an order for the SescreToa. The journal will be forwarded to any address at the following rates One Month......