This Week's Books Tin: current- issue of Headway, the monthly
,Organ Of the League of Nations-Union .(price 3d.); has a special 'article: and an editorial on advertising the League, both written, in much the spirit astbe.pronouncements-that Lord Cecil and Professor Gilbert Murray.- have made in the Spectator. Readers are warmly recommended to read- both articles, as well as the . many other sound and up-to-date features in this very interest- ing journal, whose continued and increasing prosperity is a rause that commends itself to all of us. The President of Mexico bought advertising space in last month's American Anagazines for on exposition of his policy. Why should not Sir Eric Drummond follow his example ? "One little neces- itv, of course, -has- to be borne in mind;" says the Editor of .11eadtray--" a millionaire to finance the operation."