5 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 21
We confess to an initial prejudice On opening Nights in
Mr.- Horace -Wyndham (The Bodley Head, •15s.), 1:7 we openait-alili-e charming illustration bs Miss Dorothea 'It. George of the now defunct Rif Kat Club, entitled "high • Life in the .Hayniarket." -Whether the " Butt goes On in such places is worth recording -is 'open to •grave-doubt, - But Mr. Wyndham" has' a jolly -babbling style with no nasty • after-taste to it; and the book takes us along pleasantly enough, for it has a •vein of -real wit whichis hardly expected. So if we want to know where Hampstead and West Kensington spend their fierce midnights and famishing morrows, Mr. Wyndham will tell us, very pleasantly.
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