There is no possible half-way house between keeping 'ermany.. under
a .striet and tiresome vigilance and trusting her broadly... The latter course was rightly hosen, or rather became necessary, when Germany .as accepted as a member- of the League. The work f breaking up the German military machine which he Commission of .Control has _carried out has been t gigantic, one. In some respects the work was con- tautly impeded, for the .German militarists. tried. to brow dust in the eyes of the Commission. . Professor . H. Morgan recently made the serious statement hat , owing to illicit organizations the cost of. the =email Army was nearly as great as that of the reach Army. But if the German people do not see to t that militarism is stifled nobody else can stifle it for hem. This is, the real justification for the policy of toping for the best. The Republic had not a fair chance r putting. its house in order, .when every attempt to do was represented by anti-Republican Germans as an et of submission to foreign dictation. The test for ermany is at hand now that members of the militaristic )arty have been taken into the German Cabinet.
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