- ETON COLLEGE. By C. Hussey. (London; Country Life. 25s.)—After
four years this illustrated account mainly of the buildings of Eton has been revised. The photographs of exteriors are excellent, those of interiors remarkably success- ful. There are some new ones of the lately revealed painting:: on the Chapel walls, and besides other revisions in the text. Mr. Hussey, with the Pravost's help, has written a new chapter on these unique survivals of XVtli Century painting. Saved from Cromwellian destroyers by the whitewash applied in 1560, rescued from destruction again in 18-17 by John Wilder, later Vice-Provost and benefactor, they were only known to generation after generation thciugh- Essex's line drawings. Now the canopies of the stalls have gone to Laneing's noble modern chapel andEton an see her great possession, damaged sadly, but still 'religiously, artistically and historically invaluable. •