THE BEST POEMS OF 1926. Selected by Thomas Moult. (Cape.
3s. 6d.)—One is naturally distrustful of antho- logies purporting to tell the world just what are the best stories, -:.poems or what not of the year. After all, can the selection be --anything but simply a matter of personal taste, whatever the principle upon which the compilation is made ? We insist that it can be nothing else. That done, however, we are only too ready to congratulate Mr. Thomas Moult on his fifth book of the "best poems" series, especially as the reviewer found one of his own poems there, much to his surprise I We trust that in the circumstances we shall be pardoned for saying that this- is an admirably repre- sentative selection of the work of contemporary poets-
.. . .
but it is no more. . .
(Continued on page 214, column two.)