This Week in London
• Monday, February 7th, at 1.20 p.m.—Lord Meston on TM LEAGUE OF NATIONS. At King's College, Strand. Also at 8 p.m.—ARCHrrECTMIE DURING THE STUART Remo. By Major Hubert C. Corletto. In the Reference Library, Too Hall, Gloucester Place, W. 1. .
Tuesday, February 8th, at 5.30 .p.m.—V1TALTS31 AND EMERC.r. B47 C. E. M. joad. At King's College, Strand. Also at 7.30 pm.—TEE HAPPY Boox HUNTER. By Mr. Ernest Rhys. At the Showrooms of Messrs. Foy-le, 119-125 Chanr4 Cross Road.- • •
Also at 8.30 p.m.—Tice CHANCELADE SKULL. By Prof. W. J. Bollas. -At the-Royal Anthropological Institute, 62 Upper Bedfoed Place, Russell Square W.C. 1. ' Wednesday, --February 9th, at 5.30 pan.—Corrramronot DEVELOPMENTS IN EUROPEAN L/TERATURE--SPAIN: By' Dr. A. r. Pastor'. At King's College, Strand.
Thursday, February 10th, at 5.30 p.m.—Fr-swim CIA Rom:amis. By Mr. A. E. Popham. In the Lecture Theatre of thi Victoria-and Albert Museum.
Friday, February 11th, at 4.45 p.m.—READENTO OF A BI.Ay of BIRANDELLO. By Miss Smyth, Signor Bettini and others. Under the auspices of the British-Italian League. In the room of till Royal Asiati Society, 74 Grosvenor Street, W. 1. Non-mernboa, 2s. seats.
THREE BAD MEN.—A really magnificent picture, magnificently acted. It would be a positive calamity not to see it, and a sad neglect! not to take the children. Many cinemas will be showing it this wee' and next.
FAUST.--Still at the Marble Arch Pavilion this week. In spilt' doubts, it is true that. Costa Ekman really does play both Old Feast and Young Faust. His make-up and bearing as the old man are ee perfect it is little wonder people refuse to believe he can be identical with the satin-clad youth of the second part of the film.