THE CHRISTIAN MISSION IN AFRICA. By Edwin W Smith. (International
Missionary Council. 3s. 6d.)-1V ever Lord Inehcape may say, we are firmly convinced tni Christian missions are more than ever needed in Asia si Africa, and that it is our duty, as Christians, to support them But we are equally sure that missions to be successful must le wisely directed, with a full knowledge of the new problem which advancing civilization, material rather than moral, brought with it in non-European lands. Mr. Smith's valuable little book defines these problems and indicate tentative solutions. It is, in effect, an ordered summary ci the opinions which were expressed at an international cot ference held in Belgium last September and attended not only by missionaries but also by administrators, teachers an( scholars of various countries. Many of their statements wilt startlingly frank, even disquieting. The African's rat consciousness is developing. He may devise a Christianin of his own : almost certainly he will modify European eliuni organizations. But the conference was hopeful that missions could help the African. Mr. Smith's book desen very serious attention.