SIR: Psychology-dabbler D. Holbrook's (January 15) conceit and pomposity are
quite ineffable. He is shocked that the Dartington students, despite his advice, should choose to watch boring old films like I am Curious—Yellow; but he is outraged that they should also choose not to attend his seminars. Have the rotters no sense of decency?
C. G. Collins 2 Easson Road, Redcar, Teesside Sir: With reference to 'Amid the ceasing to attend David Holbrook's seminars be that they have a lessSadist Revolution' by David Holbrook (January 15) might the reason for Dartington students ening respect for an academic who will publicly attack a film (I am Curious — Yellow?) without actually seeing it? In fact his whole article, where it touches on cinema, shows an alarming lack of research. He denounces the work of Roland Lethem, Andy Warhol, Arrabal, recently screened at our Brighton theatre by quoting out of context a programme brochure he discovered in a friend's daughter's bedroom. Can he be taken serious sly? Barrie Wood Programme Planner Regional Film Theatres, British Film Institute, 81 Dean Street, London WI