Silly Sussex
From Mrs Margaret Rooke Sir: I write to draw attention to a serious threat to the academic standing of our universities. The students of the international relations department......
Pearce At Work
Sin The methods of the Pearce Commission give Africans the illusion that by rejecting the agreement they can take over the country with much material gain. Terrorists have been......
The Monetary Order
From Surgeon Captain T. L. Cleave Sir: I am afraid that I do not consider that Mr Davenport's answer to my letter does anything to affect the argument involved. It does not......
Insane Arrogance
Sir: Mr Derrick Oxley's 'Insane arrogance' in your issue of December 18, scored a number of excellent points. It is very refreshing to have described the curious history of the......
Women In Politics
From Mrs Betty Knightley Sir: You note the vicissitudes that face a man of ability who seeks a political career in getting himself adopted, but you say nothing of those that......
The Sadist Revolution
Sir: There is one thing I would like to emphasise, over my article 'Amid the Sadist Revolution,' in reply to some of those who have written to me about it. They say things like......
Sir: The Following Arguments L Ir Now New, But Much Of
what re Holbrook says indicates that stating them would do no hatr, I would not presume to tell Holbrook that there are greater ' o r scenities in the world than 1 ) ,0......