Black January Sir: As one who was quickly named by
my Arab friends in Jerusalem 'Abu Daoud' when my fourth child and first son, David, was born there in October 1949, I am inclined to agree with S. W. Aulsebrook (29 January) in his comment on your editorial (15 January). Nothing should be done to help men of violence on either side chiefly involved in the search for a settlement of the Middle East situation, and in particular the solution of the so-called 'Palestinian problem.'
At the same time terrorism should never be condoned, whatever contortions may be undertaken to defend or explain it. International efforts now being made to combat terrorism must be supported, but this recent incident goes to show how complicated are the dilemmas likely to beset the paths of the peacemakers. Blessed are they indeed, but `strait is the gate, and narrow is the way. ... and few there be that find it.'
C. Witton-Da vies Archdeacon of Oxford, Christ Church, Oxford