Sir: Auberon Waugh Takes Time Off In His Latest Column
(29 January) to sling mud at W. H. Smith Ltd. As a small provincial publisher I would like to say a few things in defence of this much maligned firm. I would have thought the......
Clever Stuff Sir: Read Richard Ingrams's Article Again...
Don't really know what to say. Better say something or you won't print this letter. Let's think. Not as easy as it was. Old brain-box not working too well these days. Don't......
Black January Sir: As One Who Was Quickly Named By
my Arab friends in Jerusalem 'Abu Daoud' when my fourth child and first son, David, was born there in October 1949, I am inclined to agree with S. W. Aulsebrook (29 January) in......
Who Cares?
Sir: What a betrayal of journalistic standards to have the editor of the old tabloid Daily Mail writing about the new tabloid Daily Express! Surely most of your readers aren't......
Sir: I Hold No Particular Brief For The Daily Express
in either its previous or present form. But I wonder why you selected the editor of its chief rival to comment on it. As Mr English himself says, he is hardly an objective......
Will Shakespeare
Sir: Mr Burgess (22 January) tells us that 'Shakespeare is never familiarly called Will.' Shakespeare's contemporary, Heywood, knew better: 'Mellifluous Shakespeare, whose......
Cheek Sir: If Mr Lang Wants To Put His Criticism
of Pinter into verse, 1 see no reason why he shouldn't, even if there is little reason why he should. But why doesn't he? The five lines above the apology that rightly concludes......
Yours Hopefully
Sir: Mr Chatterjee (22 January) asks where is the ambiguity in his saying 'Hopefully, you will publish this letter.' It is not so much ambiguity that he engenders, but a......
Cat People
Sir: In his review (The cat people, 1 January) George Gale makes, amongst others, the following statement: 'More rubbish has been written by otherwise intelligent men on the......