5 FEBRUARY 1977, Page 29

Books and Records Wanted

THE JERVIS BAY by George Pollock (Published by William Kimber). Write: Fegen, Ashleigh Cottage, Weston Green, Thames Ditton. Surrey.

WALPOLE'S KATHERINE CHRISTIAN and The Joyful Delaneys : Greener, 17 Kestan Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. 01-684 2861.

THE PHILBY AFFAIR by Hugh Tenor-Roper (MacGibbon & Kee 1968). George Hutchinson, 56 Doughty Street,

London WC1. •

GREAT WAR, Kitchener Army, Somme 'Somme Harvest' by Wake, 'First Day on the Somme' by Middlebrook. Write: T. Creech, 4 Church Meadow, Long Dawn, Surrey. BENJAMIN BRITTEN OPERAS in good condition (not 'Peter Grimes.). Write Spectator Box 724.

SCOTLAND. Any volumes of the Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments, or books on Scottish antiquities and buildings. P. Clarke, 20, Morrison St. London SW11. ADMIRALS IN COLLISION by Hough. WrIte—Fegen, Ashleigh Cottage, Weston Green, Thames °Mon. Surrey. ELIZABETH DAVID any of her books. 1st edition in hardback. Write Spectator Box 726.

KIPLING—Macmillan's 1901 editions of 'Soldiers Three,' 'Puck of Pooka Hill,' and 'Life's Handicap,' illustrated by J. L. K. Write B. Anderson, 43, Midholm, London NW11. FRECKLES by Gene Stratton -Porter.Write Spectator Box 725. BAUDELAIRE. Selected Writings on Art by Charvet Also James Tarrant Adventurer by Wills Croft. Write: Moss. Tocknells Court, Painswick, Glos.

LEWIS CARROLL by Florence Becker Lannon, published by Cassette in 1947. Write Spectator Box 723.

IN THE CASTLE OF MY SKIN by George Lamming. Write: A. Bell, 93 Edith Road, London W14.

BURMA wanted, Grandfather Longlegs by Ian Morrison, Faber 1947 and any other books about Karens In wartime or at other times. Write: Reid, 43 Carson Rd., London 5E21. KASHMIR by Sir Francis Younghusband, illustrated by Major E. Molyneux, published by A. & C, Black, 1917. Write: Mrs. A. M. Greenway, The Berekeley Hotel, Worthing, BN11 300, Sussex.

PALGRAVE'S GOLDEN TREASURY. G. Walker, Donnybrook Hotel, 2 Russell St., Bath.

HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN THOMAS HARDY'S WESSEX by Herman Lea. Colienette, Macmillan London Ltd., 4 Little Essex St., London WC2.

CONDUCT OF THE ALLIES or complete Swift including same. VISITS TO FIELDS OF BATTLE OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY by Richard Brooke. PASTON LETTERS completee.g. Gairdner's 6-vol edition of 1904. Vegetius—MILITARY INSTITUTIONS OF THE ROMANS. Any clean complete edition for reading not 'collecting'. Write : E T. Widdup,

• 16, Oakley Gdns, London SW3.

LITTLE DEVIL DOUBT—Onions: GOODBYE TO SOME— Forbes ; COMING AGE OF WOOD—Glesinger; ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY—Skeat ; NATURE OF WORKMANSHIP—Pm. Write: Austin, 16 Digby Mansions, W6. COTTAGE ECONOMY by William Cobbett. Johnson, Newpass, Rathowen, Co. Westmeath, Eire JOHN MOORE: any Elmbury books or anything else. Write, J. E. Brown, 151 Kennington Road, London SE11 BERGHOLT'S Illustrated Book of Patience Games; Hoffman, same title; Tom King's 31 Patience Games. W. H. Paul, Wychwood, Upper Court Road, Wolchngham, SuneY. A NAVAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND: Vol 1: The Formative Centuries by G. J. Marcus. F. R. MacGinnis, 37, Belgrave Square, London SW1. SUNRISE TO WINDWARD by Miles Smeeton, Contact Hart-Davis MacGibbon, 3, Upper James St., London WI Tel : 01-734 8080 ext. 7100.


HMSO (1952), Dr. D. J. Rambler, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire 1307 1DP.

IN ANOTHER COUNTRY by John Bayley. Write Spectator Box 722.

CRANFORD, Good copy ill, by Hugh Thomson. Macmillan Si Co 11891 reprinted 1892-5). Tel :01.228 7247.

LA MARE AU DIABLE and Francois le Champi by George Sand ill. Gertrude Leese. (Bell 1908). Also The Phoenix Nest by J. R. Levy. (Ryder 1961). Write : Quentin. 5a Kensington Church Street. London W8.

ROOKS ON CATHEDRALS, Churches, Monasteries. Abbeys, Gothic art and architecture, by Francis Bond, John Harvey, Paul Frankl and others. Write : David Hall, 346 London Road, St Albans, Herts, THE POETRY OF JOHN CLARE ed Tibble. (2 vols.) CullIngford, 59 Alexandra Road. Malvern.