5 JANUARY 1833, Page 2




America-President Jackson's message to Congress, 2; proclamation of the Presi- dent declaring the resistance of South Carolina rebellious, 26; calls for addi- tional powers, 134. Mr. Clay introduces a new Tariff Bill, 198; passes the House of Representatives, 294. Determination of South Carolina to oppose the General Government, 26; the Legislature de- clares it felony for a Carolinian to arm against the State,97 ; abolishes the Tariff, 1 4 ; opposition of the Nullifiers ceases, 342. Resolutions of the Georgian Le- gislature, 26. Virginia resolves to co- operate with South Carolina. 73. Go- vernment deposits withdrawn from the , Bank of the United States, 966. So- tidies for the immediate abolition of slavery, 1014. Belgium and Holland-The French army quits Belgium ; the Belgians take pos- session of the Citadel, 1. Leopold tra- vels through his dominions, 433. The Queen gives birth to a son, 677. Recog- nition of Leopold by Austria and Prus- sia, 990. Statement of the Minister of Finance to the Chamber of Deputies, 821; communication from the Ministers on the state of the negotiation with Molland, 942. Opening of the session of the two Chambers-speech of the King, 1061; reply of both Chambers, 1085. The Bank. of Brussels encourages the Orange faction, 74. Disturbances,

461. Attack on Colonel Lyster, 923. The Directors of thePost-office establish a more frequent communication with England, 966. Conclusion of a com-

mercial treaty with the United States, 1013-Terms of a Convention between England and France laid before the King of Holland, 1; his answer, 49.

Toll on the Scheldt, 134. Baron von Ztmylen,the Envoy to the Conference,re. turns to the Hague, 174;- M. Dedel ap- pointed his successor, 222. Preliminary treaty of peace between England. France, and Holland, 461; concluded.

4S6; embargo on Dutch vessels revoked, 486. Insubordination of the garrison of Maestricitt, and difficulty of relieving it, 965; removal of the Difficulties, 1209. Meeting of the States-General, speech

of the King, 989; reply of the States- General, 1038. Discussion in the Se- cond. Chamber on the state of the country, 1306.

Colonies-lamaica-The Governor dis- solves the Assembly, 97. The Cora- rniss7oners of Accounts refuse to pay the Governor's salary, 318. Alarm aud an- ger of the slaveholders on hearing of Mr. Stanley's Emancipation Bill, 726 ; general satisfaction on hearing of the amended plan, 822; a Committee ap- pointed to report upon it, 1233. Mauri- tius-Arrival of Mr. Jercmie, 798; dis- notes with the Colonists, 870. Fiance-Explanation to the Deputies of the expedition to Antwerp, 1. Embar- rassment of the Ministry, 222. General Scbastiani joins the Ministry, 269. The Chamber of Deputies prosecutes

the editor of the Tribune, 317; sentence,

342; arrest, 366. Discussion on the Greek Loa% 462. Refusal to grant a pension to the widow of General Du-

mesnil, 509. Close of the Chambers. 531. Opening of the Chambers, 2311

December, 1305. The King leaves Paris, 798; arrives at Cherbourg, 821. The King and Queen of Belgium in Faris. 1013. Review of the National Guards

by Louis Philip and Leopold, 1037. Soult calls into active service 35,000 ad-

ditional men, 911. An army of obser- vation stationed along the Pyrenees,965. Measures taken to prevent another Ven- dean insurrection, 1033. Duels between the Liberals and Carlists regarding the Duchess de Berri, 114; pregnancy of the Dutchess, 157; asserts she was se- cretly married, 174; delivered of a slaughter; Count LucchesiPallidedared to be the father of the child, 437. The Dutehess and child sent to Palermo, 651. Arrival of Dr. Bowriug to extend the commercial relationsbetween France and England; cordially received at Bour. deaux. 317; at Nantes, 414; at Havre, 521. Unsettled state of Lyons. 678. Ce- lebration of the Three Days in Paris, 702. Trial and acquittal of the men for

shooting at the King., 246. Trial of M. Raspail and companions for conspiracy, 1281; acquital, and punishment of the prisoners' counsel. 1305.

Germany-Propositions to amend the law in Hungary ; illness of the King. 25; resistance to the Emperor of Austria, 114. Discontent of the Smaller States, 317. Suspension of the Representative Chambers of several States, 317. Dies

turbances, 509, 317. Arreg :if foreigners in 13erlin,582.- Conference between the

'Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia, 798. Congress at Munchen- gratz, 893, 917. Polish refugees ex- pelled from Germany, 1209. Greece-King Otho arrives at Napoli,222. French troops withdrawn, 821. Dissatis- factiou with the Government, 918. Con- spiracy by Colocotroni, 990. Italy Amnesty to the Piedmontese insur- gents, 26. Conspiracy against the Life of the King of Naples, 606. Refusal of the French to allow the Austrians to occupy Sardinia, 1257. ,Portugal-Defeat of the Pedroites before Oporto, 50. Monte Cabello taken, 390. Napier made Admiral, 582. Villa Flor lands at Lagos, 606. Capture of the Miguelite fleet, 654. Capture of Lisbon, 702, 711. Recognition of Donna Maria by England, 797; by Spain,1989. Ar- rival of Donna Maria, 961. Miguelites retreat to Santarem, 1013.

Russia-Plot to assassinate the Emperor, 870; deficient crops in the Southern pro- vinces. 1061.

Spain-Decree of the King in favour of his daughter, 25. Don Carlos attempts to raise an insurrection against the Queen, 50; his banishment, 270. Dig- ntissal of the Liberal Ministers by Zen Bermudez, 294. Assembly of the tortes to confirm the succession to the Throne, 582. Death of the King, 941. Mani- festo of the Queen Regent, 965. The Queen proclaimed, 1037. Retreat of the Queen's troops, 1061, 1085. Defeat of the Carlists, 1209. Resignation of Sears- field, 1232. Numbers of the Spanish Army. 1282. The Guerilla chief Me- rino. 1216.

Turkey-Defeat of the Turks by the Egyp- tians, 73, SI, 98. An armistice con- cluded,114. Egyptians prepare to march upon Constantinople, 342. The Sultan consents to treat with the Viceroy of Egypt. 366. Termination of the war. 486. Treaty between Russia and Tur- key, 966. The English and French squa- drons enter the Dardanelles, 1086. Great fire at Constantinople, 830, 893.


The Court at Brighton, 3, 29, 50, 74, 101. The Court in London, 125. Earl Grey visits the K iug ; the Earl of Denbigh appointed Chamberlain to the Queen, 3. His Majesty opens Parliament, 125 ; holds a Court to receive the address from the Lords. 125; receives the ad- dress of the Commons, 144. The King holds an Investiture of the Military Order of the Bath. 125. Celebration of the Queen's birthday. 181. Count Pozzo di Bongo takes leave, 206 ; the Turkish Ambassador takes leave, 988. The King holds a Chapter of the Order of St. Patrick, 277. Visit of their Majes- ties at Stoke Farm. 318. Dinuer to the Knights Grand Crosses of the Bath. 3414; to the Knights of time Garter, 375. Annual dinner to the Corporation of Trinity House. 418. Dinner to the Jockey Club. 491. Royal slimier par- ties, 3: 50, 323, 395, 586:801, 966. The Dutehess of Kent entertains the King, 375. The King and Queen visit Drury I.ane Theatre, 465. King's birthday ; King and Queen yisit the Archbishop of Cauterbury,491. The King au:IQ:leen at Ascot, 516. Their Majesties enter- tained by the Duke or Nortiunnberlaud at Sion Hoes.: ; the Queen goes to St. Paul's ; attestants visits the Lord Mayor at the Mansionhouse. 510. His Majesty dines with the Duke of Wel- lington on the anniversary of the battle of Waterloo, 562. King and Queen visit the Duke of Buccleugh, 629. ; the Royal Academy. 633. Entertainment to the Officers of the Royal Artillery, 732. The King prorogues Parliament, 801. Grand dinner pea). at Windsur, 822. The Queen of Portugal at Windsor, 846; departs, 870. Captain Ross dines with their Majesties, 990. The King at Brighton, 1014. Grand State balls. 443, 586. Princess Victoria enters her fifteenth year, 470. Dutchess of Kent entertains a party at dinner, 569. The Dutchess of Kent and Princess Victoria on arena, 611. 662, 633, 732, SOL 370, 894, 1038. Blindness of Prince George of- Cumberland. 516. The Dulw or Cumberland and suite leave England for Berlin, 918. Drawing-rooms,. 181, 252, 348, 418, 491, 562. Levees, 206, 228, 252,277, 300. 343, 375. 395, 413, 443, 491, 540,562, 586,611,636, 662, 633, 732,

Pr7o5l pos7d 80emiew signclfrom Farringdon Street to the New North Road, 29. General Cemetery Company, 75. Entertain- ment at the Mansionhouse to his Ma- jesty's Ministers, 102, 375. Masonic festival in honour of the Duke of Sus- sex, 103. Funeral of Alderman Waith- man. 144. Mr. Lyall returned for the City, 181; celebration of his return, 278. Captain Berkeley appointed one of the Lords of the Admiralty, 280. Mr. Retch elected Chairman of the Middlesex Sessions, 349. Sir John Ni- choll made Judge of the Admiralty Court, 494. Annual dinner of the Mer- chant Tailors, 540. Recorder's report, 563; his resignation, 586; election of Mr. Law, 611. Obelisk to Alderman Waithman, 583. Monument to Sir J. Malcolm, 686. Opening of Hunger- ford Market. 611. Sir John Key, 709, 732, 803. Funeral of Mr. Wilberforce, 732. The tea-trade, 280. Cruelty of Hunter and his wife to their daughter, 53,77. Inquest on the body of a man known as Eliza Edwards. 76. Attempt to assassinate Mr. Mellish, 165, 206, 349. Murder of the boy Paviour, 229, 253, 322. Murder of Catherine Elms, 422 ; Sharpe surrenders himself for the murder. 446; discharged, 517. Trial of Mr. Wall, 423. The Calthorpe Street affray, 443 ; inquest on Cully, 444, 465 ; trial of Furzey, 611. Lord Teyeham found guilty of fraud, 445. Suspected murder by the Police, 663. Seizure of smuggled silk, 848 ; British leaf, 894, 968. Mrs. Hampton, 895; trial of Ann Vickers. 969 ; suicide of Mr. Tuff- nell, 1064. Fall of two houses on Great Saffron Hill, 830 ; inquest. 948. Heroic conduct of the Honourable Miss Eden, 30. A deputation waits upon Lord Al- thorp for the repeal of the Assessed Taxes; Marylebone election. 252. The tea trade, 280. Westminster election, 300, 422. Proceedings of the Vestry at Christ Church, Sorry. 318, 683. Corre- spondence between Sir John Hobhouse: and Colonel Evans, 418. The Milton fishermen in the Chancery Court, 421. A dinner and presentation of a piece of plate to O'Connell, 445. Death of Kean, 447. Meeting of Irish Members on the Repeal question ; appropriation of the money raised to buy plate for the late Queen Caroline, 540. Storms, 541; 826, 852. Launch of a large steam-ship, 611. Grand gala at Vauxhall for the Poles, 637. Steam-coach to Windsor, 849. Post-office improvements, 901. State of the Bank accounts, 1242. The Duke of Beaufort prosecutes the Spectator, 564; triumph of the Spectator, 566. The Duke of Cumberland prosecutes Phillips, 597. The Earl of Durham and the press, 975, 1063. 1088. New svenders and the law of libel, 990; Hunt prosecutes time True Sun, 1234. Actiou against the Lord Chancellor, 1236.

Public Meetings-Bank, 252,516, 757,871. East India Company, 29. 51, 210, 252, 278, 757, 894, 1210. Communications from Government to the Directors, 278, 351, 376, 397. Merchants counected with China. 3. West India Stock Pro- prietors, 29, 562. West India pro- prietors, 420, 491, 587, 636. St. Kathe- rine's Dock Company, 51. London University, 207,732. Common Council -Appointment of a Committee to con- duct Alderman Waithman's funeral, 125, 144; motion for establishing a day and night Police rejected, 420; Alder- man Scales,562 ; Committee appoiuted to inquire into the qualifications of Messrs. Hill and Mirehouse, 611, 662, 683; inquiry into the abuses of the Sheriff's Court. 942; freedom of the City voted to 'Captain Ross, 1234. Be- nevolent Society or St. Patrick, 252. Caledonian As lurn, 349. Drury Lane Theatrical Fund, 252 Covent Garden, 278. Shareholders of Drury Lane, 684. Repeal of the Asseesed-taxes, 51, 74, 182, 252, 375, 396, 420, 445. 466, 519, 919,943 967,1015. Birmingham Unions, 165, 396, 874, 994.

New Bridge at Sanas'', 4. Freedom of Chichester presented to Earl Grey ; Dinner to tho Members for West Surry, 30. Dinner to Mr. Throckmorton and Mr. Watts, 54. The Hertford Election Committee, '255, 279. Bribery at West Cumberland, 279. Coventry election, 349. Dr. Priestley, 301. Dinner to Mr. Coke, 350. Meeting at Coventry to consider the conduct of Ministers, 422. The Corporation Commissioners at Leicester, 879, 929, 944. Grand en- tertainments at Belvoir Castle, 31; Hatfield House, 57. Refusal to grant Church-rates, 494, 758, 804. 944. Great meeting at Newhall 1E11,468. Launch of the Waterloo, 566. Tithe on labour- ers' wages, 31. Presentation of a silver cup to R. Postlethwaite, Esq., for de- stroying foxes, 55. Trial of the mentor assaulting Mr. Hill. M.P., 78; of John Case for brutality to Hannah Richards, 321. Affray with smugglers, 55. De- /minim of the Gravesend Pier, 593. 1Iurtler at Plumstead, 1042, 1262, 1235. Fatal duel at Exeter. 416. Shock of an earthquake at Horsham, 321. Disas- ters in coal-pits, 519. 150, 875. 1042, 1091. Fall of a cliff in Glamorgan- shire, 734; the Brighton A ntineum, 8-14; Brighton Chain-pier, 971. Storms, 852. 1233. The Cadets of Sandhurst College, 1019. The Earl of Durham at Gateshead, 1017. Races-Ascot, 518; Doueaster, 875. 899; Egham, 805, Ep- som, 467; Goodwood, 710.

General Electious, 4, 181, 207, 229,231, 252. 253. 279, 300, 320, 322, 319, 350, 422, 494„519. List of Illetubers returned to the Reformed Parliament. 27.

Division-Lists, 101, 144, 284. 207, 255, 393, 471. 522, 589, 614. 639, 687.

Revenue. 31, 302, 613, 669, 952.


Abstract of the Irish Suppression Bil1,183. Appointment of the Marquis of Welles- ley, 913. Meeting of Magistrates in Kil- kenny.253. The Earl of NI ilton dismissed from the Commission of the peace, 206; Colonel Blacker, 1022. Lord Downes elected a Representative Peer, 301. Re- lease of persons arrested under the Co. ercion Bill, 612. -- Commissioners ap- pointed to investigate Corporation abuses. 686. Irish Volunteers' Associa- tion, 32, 182; suppressed, 322. O'COn-

nel3s Parliament, 74, 79. Arrest of Mr. Steele, 182; trial, 734. Trial of the edi- tor of the Pilot,1215. Military enforce- ment of tithes, 468. 519. Disturbances. i 56,79.229,542,664.851,974,1067. Great fire,759. Charge against the Irish Mem- . hers, 1086,1091, 1095, 1210, 1262, 1226.


Election of Representative Peers for Scotland, 56. Election for Orkney and Shetland; riot at Kirkwall, 79. Death of Mr. Kinloch, 280. Meeting at Dun- dee to return Sir H. Parnell, 321; his election, 350; meets his constituents. 1092. Debts of the Edinburgh Corpo- ration, 182, 350. Meeting at Dumfries on the Scotch Burghs Reform Bill, 301. Commission to inquire into time Mu- nicipal Corporations, 710. Trial of Mr. Irving for heresy. 254. Manifestations of the Spirit, 469, 494, 710, 97:3. Emi- gration from Leith, 520. Atrocities in Rossshire, 520. Mr. Tait and the An- nuity-tax, 782. Mr. Oswald and Mr. Ewing, 877,922.


Disasters at Sea-Loss of the Forester, 182; the Hibernia, 710; the Amphi- trite, 826, 878; the Earl of Wemyss, 826, 830, 877, 946; a West Indiamar, 873; the Dorothy, 874; burning of Ow Essex, 974. Steam-boat disasters- Waterloo, 781; City of Waterford, 97: ; Lord Blaney,1286 ; the St. Mart in.1309. Fires-At the Powder-mills at Dartford, 78; Hatton Garden, 81; Chelsea Hos- pital, 164; fatal fire in Arundel Street, 495; Monmouth Street, 802, 824; vine- gar brewery. City Road, 1017; Boueh- ton Monchelsea Church, 3; great fires at Liverpool, 55, 494,734; Dublin, 759.


Meeting of Parliament. February 5t1). Advertisement-duty. 395, 417, 510, 562. Assessed Taxes, 164; reduction bill, 610. 706, 730. Apothecaries monopoly, 299,375, 443; bill, 562. 586. Bank Char- ter, 143,418. 463; bill introduced 488, in Committee, 583; read a fast time, 607; a second time. 704; committed, 728: report brought up. 750; read a third time, afid passed. 776: passes the Lords, 799. Birmingham alba ay, 143, 181. 259, 299, 418. Budget. time, 342. Chancery Offices Bill. 633. 777; relbnu in the Court of, 298, 777, 799. Charge auttinst the Marqnis of Sligo, 12-I. 142, 251. Cobbett (Mr.), and Sir Robert Peel, 441. Coldbaddields Meeting, 442, 539, 635, 730. Commutation of Tithes, 343..441. 635, 703. Corn-Laws. 353, 439, 560. Corporation Reform and Commis- sion, 124, 142, 610. Criminal Law, reform of the, 346. 416. Crown Lands. 416. Currency (the), Mr. Al. Attwood's mo- tion for a Select Committee to inquire into the Monetary System, 316. Debtor and Creditor, law of. 533, 610. Deccan Prize Money, 659, 799. Distress of the Country.246. Distribution of the Army, 205, Dramatic Performances Bill, 223, 395, 683, 708; Authors, 228, 418. Du- ration of Parliaments, 682. D welling- house Robbery Bill. 538. 569. East India Charter, 143, 418, 535. 560 bill read a first time, 531; in Committee, 607; read a secoud time. 634: iii Com- mittee, 639; read a third time, and passed. 631; committed in the Lords. 726; read a third time, 750; passed, 775. Embargo on Dutch Trade, 141, 415. Estimates (the), 270. 272, 345, 394, 415. 751. 774. Foreign Enlistment Act, 755, 778. Foreign Relations-. Brazil, 203,374. Poland, 634. Portugal, 510.609, 704. Russia and Turkey, 635. Game-laws, 276, 393. 490. Gravesend Pier Bill, 395, 463. 566. House and Window-taxes, 143.443; Siriolua Key's motion for the Repeal of, 390; Sir Sa- muel Whalley's, 443.462. Irish Tithes, 178. 513 ; bill on, 536. 560, 608; read a second time, 653; third time, and passed, 593, 775, 752. Irish Church, heads of a Bill for reform of the, 156; read a first time, 225; debate on the propriety of proceeding with the bill ; a Committee appointed to search for precedents. 2146; recommended that the bill should be introduced in a Committee of the whole House ; bill withthawn. 250; intro- duced in Committee, 294; debate on time second reading. 414: committed, -141; debate in Committee, 539.593,607; read a.third time, and passed. 630; read a first time in the Lords. 631; a second. 659; committed,673; report broughtup, 702; read a third time, and passed, 703, 799. Irish Disturbances Bill. 133, 139; introduced in the Commons, 159; debate on the first reading, 174; resumed, 198; read a second time. 2-23; House in Com- mittee, 224,247,248,273; report brought up, 274; reed a third time, and passed, 275; amendment of the Commons agreed to by the Lords, 295. IrisitV enue Bill. 159. 178.275, 347, 775. Irish Grand Jury, 160, 251, 298,375, 395,731. Irish Education, 538. Irish Jury system, 202. Jewish Disabilities, 124, 143, 180, 227, 251,344. 463, 609; bill passes the

Commons, 682; rejected by the Lords,

'706. Key's (Sir John) Contract, 730, 57. Law Reform, 206, 227. 276, 347. Laws of Real Property. 206, 463, 538, 756, 773, 799. Labors in Factories, 179, 206, 252, 277. 297, 562; bill in Commit- tee, 603, 729; passes the Commons, 754; the Lords, 799. Lighthouses, 161. Lo- cal Courts Bill, 275, 347, 533, 558. 552, 610; rejected, 633. London Scavage and Package Bill, 756, 779. Lunatic Commiision Bill, 142, 164. Malt-duty, 251, 372f-Defeat of Ministers, Sir W. Ingillsy's Motion, 372; difficulties of Ministers. 390; vote for the reduction of the Malt-duty rescinded. 392. Mar- shall's (Mr.) Statistics, 395. Metropo. litau Police Bill, 463. Middlesex Ma- gistrates and the Old 'Bailey Sessions, 635,-661, 705. Military Flogging, 298. Municipal Corporations, 777. National Education. 227, 250. 704. Naval and Military Sinecures and Pensions, 139. New Buildings for the House of' Com- mons, 181, 205, 443, 609. New Police,277. Newspapers and the Post-office, 586. O'Connell (Mr.) and the Reporters, 706. Official Salaries, reduction of, 204. Pease (Mr.), 124, 143. Peel (Sir It.) and Sir Edward. Codrington, 277. Pen- sions, 375, 394, 462. Police Spies, 535, 730, 779. Poor-laws in Ireland, 142, 178, 293. 392. 416. Post-office abuses, 729. Privy Council Bill, 417, 463. Pro- clamation of Kilkenny, 347. Publica- tion of the Divisions, 162. Public Ac- counts, 160. Recreation for the Poor, 161. Reduction of the National Debt, 609. Reform Bill, the working • of, 461, 463; amendment of, 539. Registry Bill, 416; rejected, 561. Roman Catholics Marriage bill, 775. Royal Burghs of Scotland bill, 535, 610, 752 Scotch Burgh reform, 227, 347. 636, 752, 779. Scotch Burgh Police Bill. 610, 730. Si- necures, 124, 345, 660, 755. St. Luke's Poor Bill, 418, 562. Stamp-duties, 160, 903, 394 e' returns, 348. Sugar Duties Bill, 205, 251, 277. Sugar Relining Bill, 299, 651. 730, 704. 752. slavery, 124, 206, •251, 277, 347. 418, 560; bill com- mitted, 433, 486, 513, 534; conkreuee held w ith the Lords, 560; bill read a first thee, 607.619; read a second time, 679; read a third time, and passed ; car- ried up to the Lords and read a first time, 726; debate on the second read- ing; bill connuitted, 751; read a third time, and passed. 776. Taxation, 143, 272, 203; on knowledge,189. Thelluson property, the, 610. 636. 661, 683, 708. Tithes Commutation Bill, 634. Va- grants Bill, 635, 633. Parliament prorogued, 800. Zi


Agricultural Distress, 926. A Discovery, 473.

Althorp (Lord)-In and out of Place. 904. Apothecaries Monopoly-A Brick of the Babel. 209.

April Fools, the, 306. Armies, Comparative Cost of the British, French, and Piussian, 1073.

Army, Organization of the Prussian, 1097. Army-Estimates, 232; Reductiun of Ex- penditure, 904; Cost of the Civil Ad• ministration of the, 1314.

Art, Spirit-ed Patronage of, 1246. Assessed Taxes-Resistance to the, 926; the Shopkeeper's Road to Ruin,953 ; Re- pealof the, Lord Althorp's Promises, 975. Aftwood's (Mr.) Panacea, 257. Banim (Mn.I at Boulogne, 84. Bank of the United States, 7.

Bank Project, Reasons for a further Mo- dification of Lord Althorp's, 615. Beamish (Mr.) Case of, Retrenclunent in the Navy Pay Office, 496. Beer-laws and Country Gentlemen. 737. Bishop of London's Edict agaiust Sacred Mum, 763. • Blighted Hopes, 523. • Bribery-at Norwich. 106; at Bristol, 425; at Warwick, 639.

Bribery and Corruption in the Uuited States, 1025.

British Prisons and Convict Ships-Lord Melbourne's Performance of his Duty, 976.

British Leaf, 883; Judgment of the Learned on, 953.

Brougham (Lord), or his Fetch, and the Newspaper Press, 392. Budget (the), House and Window Tax, 378.

Burlington's (Lord) Resistance to Taxes, 1023..

Cambridge, the Caput Mortuum of, 1265. Cart before I he Horse, 569.

Changed Times, 473. Charities at Hull, Abuse of, 833.

Cheap I mmortality, 906. China, commercial Resources or, 329.

Church -Argument against Reform in, 353; Repeal of Rates, 496; the Bishops and the 1 lead of the, 591; Disaffection of the Rate-payers to the. 618; Prefer- anent. Bishop of Hereford, 953; its Pay- masters, 761; Unions, Claims of the Dissenters, 1243.

Church. Irish, 59, 146.

.Cobbett (Mr.), and the Stamp-laws, 166. Coinage, the. 592. Coldhathfields Meeting-The "National Couventiou People" and the Police, 448; Keepers and Breakers of the King's Peace, 472; " Imperative" Rea- soning, 497; Devoted Juries, 666. Colonies-Expenditure of the, 9,38; Ge- neral Darling v. Capt. Robinson, 281. Colonial Policy, English, 7. Combinations; the Tyrants of the Loom and Spindle, 1049. . Commerce, Practical Effects of Prohibi- tory Systems of, 714. Conservative Resolutions. 6.

Corn-laws-Mr. Baring's Argument for the, 1243; and High- Rents, 954. Corporation Commission, Objects of In- qniry by the. 881.

Corporations, New, 832.

Corporation-Property, 9031 Reform, Pro. gross and Prospects of, 1096.

Croaker in the Country, from a, 1022. Cumberland, Duke of, 592; Death of his Butler. 904. Denman's Sir Thomas) Ear, 593. Distress, the, 497. Distresses of the Labouring Classes in England, 233. Doing Good for Evil, 545. Doulde Passenger (a). 667. Dramatic Author's Bill, Effect of the, 663. Durham Libel Prosecution, 993,1079. EasterWeek,Cockney Amusementsof,309. Economy and Retrenchment, 166. Educatiou, National. 591, 713, 1290. Eldon (Lord) as a Witness. 1244. Epidemic among the Clocks, 738. Estimates -Vigilant Guardians of' the Public Purse. 784.

Exchequer, the New. 1264.

Examine). (the) on Puffery, 384.

Excise Commission. Report of the, 357. Factory Commission, the, 523; Report of the, h16. 740.

Factory Question, the, 641. Fancy Fair, the Royal. 567. Financial State of' the Country. 399. Flogging in the Army and Navy. 568; Mr. Ellice's Promise, 857.

Foreign Exchanges, State of the, 1097. Foreign Enlistment Act, and the Gal- lout Captain Napier. 666. rrance-Commercial Relations with 326; the Missionaries of Political Economy to, 591; Mission from, 667.

Fudge, 1246.

Globe versus the Spectator, 353.

Gold Cups and the Iron Column, 1073. Grey, Information for Lord, 166.

Grey's (Earl) Family Arrangements, 925. Guns versus Game-laws, 617- Harmonicon versus the Spectator, 303. atfield (the) Absurdities, 61.

Help from the People Wanted, 543. Hertford Election, 308.

flobliouse (Sir John), the Contest for Westminster, 424; Resignation of, 0 fil- cial Representatives, 401. slyday Sights. 1293.

Horsew hipping Hypothetical, 618. house of Commons-Practical Working of the, 32; Arrangement of Business in the. 127; Lord Althorp's Plan for Im- proving the Working of the, 168; A Stranger its the, 259; Subserviency of the,- 401 ; Killing Time, 424; The Force of Prejudice, 425; Proposal fur a New, 592, 617; Who are the Talkers ? 282. 1313; Legislati e Functions of the, 1023. House of Lords-state of the, 59; Re- forming the, 543; Factious Peers, 713; Refractory Peerage, 761; Negative Ar- guments, 617.•

Huddersfield and Leeds, Representation of, 1291.

flume (Mr.) and Colonel Hay, 253. Imprisonment for Debt, 544. India, Future Government of, 379, 402, 569.

India House: Intrigues at the, 303,324. 'Irish Suppression Bill-April Fools, 306. Ireland, 126; Memorandum on, 493; the Pacificator of, 976; Christiau Legisla- tion for, 1218.

Jew and the Magistrate, 667. Jones's (Colonel) Declaration of Paper. War, 233.

Judges, Partisan, 784. Justice, the Blessing of Dear. 641. . Juvenile Vagrancy, Society for the Sup- pression of, 38. King (the), God Bless Him, 567. Kissing the Rod, 640. Lauded Interest, Distress of the, 36. Language and Philosophy, study of, 736. Law Reform-Codification, 857.

Letters from Pat-is, on French Politics, 36, 60,83, 146, 135, 210.

Libel-law, Amendment of the, 1219. Macaulay, Lucky Tom, 1243. Magistrates-Metropolitan,381,904, 1314; The Mirror of, 1930; Music-hating, 977; Shropshire, 853, 954. MarvIebone Election.•257. Medical Murder. 308; Reform, 738; Profes- sion and the Public, 762; Charities,1048. Metropolitan Improvements, 855. Memorandum of a Winter's Residence among the German Musicians, No, I., 878; No. II.' 1227. • Military (the) Spirit, 1000. Minister's (a) Promise,545. Ministry and the Parliament, 35; Embar- rassment of the, 83; Confidence in the, 143,456; Position of the, 326. Mischievous Propensities of John Bul1,977 Museum of Arts and Manufactures, 1002. Municipal Constitutions, 880.

National Debt-The Last Project, 450. National Gallery, the Now. semis St. Mar- tin's Church, 187; Job, 763; versus the

Royal Academy, 785. Newspaper Taxes, Lord Althorp and the, 3o; Unstamped, 762; Pastimes, 765; Unstamped Publication% 833. No Need °Mite Gospel at the "West End," 977.

O'Connell and the Ministry, 106; and the Reporters. 713; and the Spectator, 1046; Inconsistencies, 1075.1267- Oratory of the King, 832, 856. • Paganini--Miserly Geniuses, 1219. Palates (the) and the Printseller, 977. Palmerston (Lord). Etlitom of the Des-

patches, 953. . •

Pasliament -Opening o. 82; First Act of the Reformed, 105; and the Taxes. 105; Progress of the Session, 200: Pnblinity of Proceedings in,327 ; Quinquenalak 1072. Parliamentary Militia, 185; -Failures,503; Prevarieation, 667.

Parson-Clerk (a), 1049. Passage from Lord John Russell's Cons. , monplace Book, 168.

Passion Week and Prize-Fighting, 307. Pimlico Palace-Royal Arch- Foolery, 764. Pleasures for the People. 737.

Political (a) Charlatan, 640. Political Charity, 785. Political Economy, the Coldness of, 403. Post master-General (the), 1264. Post-office -Plunder, 592. 907; versus the Public, 736; Clerks, Salaries and Per- quisites of, 954. Press-Laws affecting the - Sir Francis Vincent's Bill, 331; Millennium of the, 1264; Liberty of, and Abuses, 1072, 1265; Treatment of the, by the Whigs andrfories in Power, 1290; Conservative Patronage of, 1316; Right to Lie. 993. Property-tax - Why should we not have one? 400; Cure for Avarice, 592.

Protestant (the) Boys, 653.

Public Officers. Mode of Rewarding, 809. Public of the Last Century, 570. Rector versus Organist, 127. Regent's Park, Enclosure of the, 1292. Resignation, the First, 209. Repeal of the Union, the Ministry and O'Connell, 999. Retrospect of the Session, Part First. 304.1 Rewanls of Science in Prussia and in England, 763. Roman Catholic Marriages in England, - 832, Rothschild (King) Dethroned, 1218. Royal Salute, 1218. Royal Shopkeepers, 833. Sabbath Observance, 307-

Sailor's without Grog and Ships of Enor- mous Stowage, 1000.

Schoolboy Aristocracy, 1050. School of Reform, 593.

Scotch Burgh Reform Bill, 570; Royal Burghs, 493. Secret Voting. 1076. Septennial Act, 68$. Session, Close of the, 808. Shrewsbery Corporatiou-Scorners of Popularity. 1913. Sibthorpe (Colonel), and the Coachman, 882.

Si:secures, Sanction of, by the Reformed Parliament, 167. Slavery, Government Plan for Abolishing 449 ; Ill-matched I-horses in the State Coach. 545; Negro Emancipation, 473. Slaves, Provision for Emancipated, 83. Soap-tax, the, 378. South Carolina, 60.

Speaker-Shall Earl Grey or the House of Commons' elect the New? 35.

Standard's Mode of Arguing the Ballot Question. 1050. Staulield's Brush at the Spectator, 37. Stanley (Mr.) in Danger, 926.

State of the Country, 448. Stationarv (the) Job-The Value of Of- ficial Declarations, 809.

Statistics, Public, 810.

Street Traffic, the Sin of, 62.

St. Sirs:onions ill England, 1023.

Sugar Monopoly, 253. Superannuations, 735. Swan River, 443.

Spectator's "Key to Political Know-

ledge," No, I TAXATION. Supplement to No. 253; 24 pages. Taxation-The Omitted Topic, 126; the Spectator's Views of, 184.

Taxes, the, 231. Tax-laws,- Enforcement of the. 993. Tax-receivers, Compromise with, 1047. Theft and Play-going, 738. Tin, the Prince's Duty on, 147. Tithe-Snits-their Cost to Defendants, and Consequences to the Clergy, 831. Tories, Magnetic Needle of the, 567. Toryism. the Devil of, 1023. Tory Tactics-the laliguelite Opposition in the Lords, 522.

Trades, Prosperity of, 1001.

TrueSun, Unjust Verdict against the, 1244. Truth versus Occasion, 126. . Trade-State of ManufacturiEg and Com- mercial Interests, 1094; Reaction, 1096; the Leeds Mercury, 1245, 1291.

Warwick's (Earl of Defence, 809. Wellington (Duke of) Political Acquire- ments of the, 523; hisz

Re.ps tspa....ace, 640.

Whist is a Nuisance? 1099. Whigs, How to Turn Out, 184, CRITICAL NOTICES OF NEW BOOKS.

Abbess (the), a ROmance, by Mrs. Trot- lope. 526. Agassiz' Journey to and Pedestrian Tours in Switzerland, 813.

Alison's History of Europe, 427. Alphabet of Scientific Gardening, 287. America and the Americans, 40. Americans, the, 479.

Anstice's Cherie Poetry of the Greeks,108: Arcana of Science and Art, 287. Archreologia Scotica, 930. Archer's Indian Tours, 335.

Arthur Coningsby, 86. Austen's (Miss), Novels-Pride and Pre- judice, 745. Austin's (Mrs.) Characteristics of Goethe, 478, 618.

Barnadiston, 1320.

Black Death in the Fourteenth Century, 359.

Blunt's Hulsean Lectures, 959.

Boaden's Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbald, 720. Bondman, the, 429.

Bower's (Lieut.) Naval Adveatures,1223.

Br Lily's Stams.duties, 1019.

Bray's (Ms.) Ilistorical Novels - De 88R Breton's Excursions-England and Ame- rica-Colonization as it has been,1027 ; as it ought to be, 1052. Bridgewater Treatises-Adaptation of Ex- ternal Nature to the Physical Condition of Man, 360 ; Bell (Sir Charles) on the Hand, 909 ; Whewell's Application of Astronomy and Physics to Natural Theology, 331. British Cyclopedia. 837. Britisls Library-White's Selborne, 191. British Museum, 816.

Brockedon's Excursions in the Alps, 767, Buttman's Intermediate Greek Grammar, 479.

Carmichael's (Mrs.) Negro Population of the West Indies, 741.

Carne's Letters from Italy and Switzer- land. 1273.

Catechism on Taxation, Esc., 815.

Cecil Hyde, 1320. Chalmers's (Dr.) Vicar of Education, 262. Chambers's History of Scotland, 90. Chameleon, the. 151.

Charmed (the) Sea, 107. (Manning's Discourses, 90. Chatswort 791.

Clarke's Tales from Chaucer, 791.

Cotton's 'four of the American Lakes, 1077.

Comic Anneal, 19.

Commercial Annual, 479.

Constance, 310.

Cook's Walks through London, 108.

Crithannah's Fables. 43, Critical View from the Observatory, 127. Crockett's (Colonel) Memoirs, 1318. Cruelty to Animals, 263. Crusoe, Selkirk, and Antomathes, 833.

Dark Lady of Deena, 1272. Delaware, or the Ruined Family, 549. Deloraine, 213.

D'Haussez' Great Britain, 741.

Dilemmas of Pride. 1970.

Domett's Poems, 477.

Miners French - English Dictionary. 1032.

Dunlap's American Theatre, 87. D sttchess of Berri in La Vendee, 931.

Easy Lessons on Money Matters, 863. Edgeworth's (Miss) Harrington and Thoughts on Bores. 815. Edinburgh Review-QuarterlyRevitav,90. Edith of Graystock, 190.

Emigrant's Directory, 479. Eminent Foreign Statesman, 860. England and America. 1003. England and the English. 715. Exposure of the Marshalsea Court. 647. Family Classical Lihrary--/Eschylus,883. Faust in Prose, 233.

Fearon on Materialism. Religious Festi- vals, and Sabbaths, 1247.

Field Book, 407.

Field Naturalist's Magazine-the Zoolo- gical Magazine, 191. Finance and the Statistics of the whole British Empire. 455, Fox's Christian Morality, 837. • Fraser's Tales of the Caravanserai, 787.

Gale Middleton, 1294.

Gait's Autobiography, 903. Gait's Eisen Erskine, 476.

Gaskell's Manufacturing Population of England, 573. General View of the United States, 791.

Ghost-hunter-Mr. Banim, 43.

Gifford's Shirley, 107. Godolphin, 406. Golden Legends, 86.

Gorton's Biographical Dictionary (Ap- pendix to), 1299. Gouger's Emigration for the _Relief of Parishes, 33a.

Grant Thorburn, 1295.

Hall's (Basil) Fragments of Voyages, 406. Hampden in the Nineteenth Century.1247. Hangman and the Judge, 8L4. Headsman, the, 860.

Hints on Canada and the United States, 103.

History of Croydon. 933. History of the Middle and Working Classes, 647.

History of the Wesley Family, 188. Hodge's Narrative of the Expedition to Portugal, 643. Horace Walpole's Correspondence, Edited by Lord Dover, 547. Howitt's Book of the Seasons. 837.

flowitt's History of Priestcraft, 911. Imprisonments of Silvio Pellico, 454. Ireland as it was, is, and ought to be, 150. Ireland in the Nineteenth Century, 359. Iviiney's Milton, 89. Izaak Walton, 838.

Jeretnie (Mr.) and Mauritius, 263. Johnstone's Edinburgh Magazine, 815. Journals of Expeditions in Western Aus- tralia, 574.

Janet's (Madame) Memoirs, 502. Lardner's (Dr.) Treatise on Heat, 191. Last Essays of Ella, 191. Lauread, the, 18.

Law Magazine, 192. Letters from Upper Canada. 5501 Life of Dr. Adam Clarke, 189, 887.

Life of Roscoe, 572.

Lindsay's Astronomy and Geography,837. Literature arise Annuals, 1031,1054,1249.

Little Lessons for Little Learners, in One Syllable, 502. Kit-es of -English Highwaymen and Pirates, 1317.

Li of the most eminent Soverei ves gns of Modern Europe. 791. Love and Pride. 1243.

Lourlon'a Encyclopedia of Gardening. 1251.

Swim Greville, 477. hIstedvaall'a Voyage to Patagonia, OM

Itac'tenzies Sketches of Canada, 597. Mackinnon's Coldstream Guards, 151. Maddeies Infirmities of Genius, 596. Magazines ohSeptember, 838. Martineau's (Harriet) Illustrations- Berkeley the Banker, 191; Briery Creek, 1050; Cinnamonand Pearls, 834; French Wines and Politics, 18; Hamlets, the, 933; Loom and the Lugger. 627 ;Parish, the, 502; Poor-Laws and Paupers, 455; Tale of the Tyne, 912; The Three Ages, 1925; Vanderput and Snoek. 407. Memoirs of Marshal Ney, 1077. Memoirs of Sir William Hoste, 261. Memorials of a Tout in Greece, 1273. Men and Manners in America, 717. Miscellany of Natural History, 1202. Miserrimus, 197.

Modern Cymon, 189. Montague, 790. Moores Journey from London to Odessa, 646. Moore's Travels of an Irish Gentleman, 356. Morgan's (Lady) Dramatic Scenes, 698. Morris's Biography of' Hall. 812. Moxon's Sonnets, 502.

Murray on Electricity, Thunderstorms, awl the Physiology of Plants. 838. Napier on the Ionian Islands, 744. Napoleon, a Poem in Freud' and Italian, 983.

Naturalist's Library -Monkies. 862. Nutt) re and Causes of Doubt, 791, New Antijacobin. 335. New System of Physic, 236. Nicholas's (Sir Harris) Chronology, 621.

Notre Dame, 788.

Nursery Guides. 263. Oasfier's Pamphlets. 150. Old Bailey Experiences. 766. Owen's (Captain) Voyages to Explore the Coast of Africa, 691.

Parliamentary Pocket-Book, 263. Parnell on Roads, 1297.

Parry's Coast of Sussex, 191. Parson's Daughter, 524. Peter Simple-Tom Cringle's Leg, 1200. Phillips's Lectures on Painting, 1030. Philosophy in Sport, 765. Pictures of Private Life, 189.

Pinder in English Verse, 887. Polish Tales, 236.

Political Unionists' Catechism, 502.

Poor laws for Ireland, 236.

Poor-laws beneficial to Landed Property in Ireland. 502, Port Admiral. the, 332.

Porter's Tropical ,agriculturist, 696.

Prediction, the, 1078.

Prinsep's Voyage from Calcutta to Van Diemen's Land. 89.

Puritan's Grave, 934.

Recollections of a Chaperon, 41.

Redding on Wines, 980. Redding's Shipwrecks. 598. Rejected Addresses. 478. Remarks on Cmwfurd's Indian Letters, 89.

Rennie's Zoology, 837.

Repeaters. the, 595. Ritchie's Principles of Geometry. 837. Ritson's Letters, edited by his Nephew..646.

Rush's Residence at the Court of London,


Scenes and Sketches from English His- tory, 837. School awl Christmas Books, 19.

Scraps, by the Author of Sydenham, 791. Scrope's (Poulett) Plan of a Poor-law for Ireland, 312.

Scrope's l'olitical Economy, 1222. Selections from the Edinburgh Review, 262.

Service Afloat, 479.

Sharpe's Peerage. '745.

Six Weeks on the Loire, 188.

Sketch-Book of Fashion. 148. Sketches in Greece and Turkey, 427.

Sketches of Obscure Poets, 791.

Skinner's Excursions in India. 933.

Southey's British Admirals. 1051. Speech of Sir Robert Peel, 263. Starke's Directions for Travellers on the Continent, 108.

State of the Poor. 359. Stepney's (Lady) New Road to Ruin,284. Stories of the Study, 1271. Stories 'of Waterloo, 862.

Story without an Eud, 1298. Stuart's Three Years in North America, 63.212.

Start's Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Au-tralia, 645.

Subaltern's Furlough, 500. Tales for an English Home, 502. Tales of' the Factories, 407.

Taxation of the British Empire, 690. Taylor's Life of Cowper, 66. Three Months in Jamteca, 353.

Traditionary Stories of Old Families, 981. Traits and Traditions of Portugal, 1029.

Translations of' Oxford and Cambridge Latin Prize l'oems, 933. Turkey-Urquhart's Resources of, 956;

an American's Sketches of, 957.

Turner on Psalmody, 863. Twenty five Years in the RifieBrigade,17. Twini ug's Illustrations of Bengal Diseases, 502.

Tyre', the. 356. Tytler's Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, 239. 17wins on the Disorders of the Brain and Nervous System. 814. Van Diemen's Land Almanack, 696.

Vegetable Cookery, 43. Waltzburg. 501. Wanderings by the Seine, 1272. Waverley Anecdotes, 190. Weekly Cook.-335. Whycheote of St. John's, 107. IS ines's Two Years and a Half in the Ame- rican Navy. 66. 'Wizard of the North. 190.

IWortley's (Captain Stuart.) Excursion to

Antweep,e3e, Wondrous Tale ne Ahoy, 214. Wright's Scenes in North Wales, 108. Young Cricketer's Teter, 407. Young Enthusiast in Humble Life, 791. Zara, or the Black Death, 1296.


Animal Kingdom, 403- American Cri- ticisms on Mrs. Trollope's Domestic Manners of the Americans, 431. Ar- nold's Magazine of tho Fine Arts, 431. Alphabet of' Chemistry. 455. Andrew the Savoyard. 528, A Father's Present to his Son, 456. Aurungzebe, 984. Alexander on the Eyes, 1057. Aldine Poets, 1057. Animals' Frieud, No. I., 672. Arithmetical Repository, 671. Books of the Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation, 670, British America, 672.

Brown's Poem, 984. Bernay's German Compilations, 1322. Bard of the Sea Kings. 1274. Book of Science, 1204.

Bard of the North, 1225. Black Watch, 1322. Botanical Magazine, 527. Bri- fish Library, 527. Chameleon, 1203. Conversations with Lord Byron, 1274. Coquette, 1322. Ca- binet Annual Register, 240. Commen- tary on St. Paul's Epistle to the He- brews, 984. Cobbin's Annual Historian for 1833, 431. Crawfunes Notes on the Settlement of British Subjects,in India, 523. Crusaders, 528. Cabinet Cycle- predia, 527, 935. Conchologises Text Book, 528. Character, 670.

Domestic Scenes from Real Life, 669. Do- mesticated Animals. 672. Dramatic Scenes from Real Life, 670. Dream (the) 671. Duhring's Remarks on America, VS. Dictionary of Practical Medicine, 1056.

Etymological Manual of the English Language ; Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 1274. Eu- gene Aram, 1274. Excitement for 1834, 1234. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, 240. Essay on Woman, 240. Eclectic Review, 431. Ewing's Geography, 527. Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, 1008. Eitcycloptedia of Romance, 670. Exposition of the False Medium, 671.. Facts not Fables, 672. Foreign Quarterly Review, No. XXIII., 672, 1056. Fleet Registers,1056. Fancy Fair, 456. Fa rally Classical Library, 935. Gardener's Dictionary. 1057. Groecorum Casuum Analysis, 523. General View of the Geology of Scripture, 360. Geo- metry without Axioms, 528. Geologi- cal Manual, 1225. Goldental, 1274.

History of Europe during the Middle Ages. 1274. Historical Sketch of the Princes of India. 360. History of Moral Science, 360. Heeren's Manual of An- cient History, 407. Hints on the ne- cessity of a change in our Legislation, 430 History of Dissenters. -.31. for- tea Woburnensis, 912. Hobart Town Magazine, 984. Henry St. Clair, 670. Hull Polish Record, No. V., 672.

Illustrations of Vegetable Physiology, 672. Improvement of Society by the Diffusion of Knowledge, 671. Insects and their Habitations, 527, Infant Annual, 1204.

Johnstone's Edinburgh Magazine. 1003. Knickerhacker, 527.

Leonard's Voyage to Western Africa, 239. Library of Entertaining Knowledge, 935, 1321. Lives of Eminent Mis- sionaries. 240. Library of Romance- Waltham, 240; Waldemar, 912. Life and Travels of the Apostle Paul, 360. Life of Roscoe, 572. Life of Olympia Morata, 1274. Lyell's Geology, 431. Le Cicerone, on Guide de Londres, 527. Law Magazine,527. Law of Debtor and Creditor, 528.

Manual of the Law-Public Meetings, 602. Minor Antiquities of Edinburgh, 670. Memoirs of the House of Russell, 528. Medical Works of Paulus .tEgi- neta. 1203. Mysteries of Time, 456. Military Studies of Marshal Ney.1225. Memoirs of Dr. Priestley. 408. Mo- ments of Idleness, 1007. Mother's Ma- nual, 523.

New Gil Blas. 1057. Naturalist's Li- brary, 528,1057. Narrative of the Pe- ninsular War, 1322.

Observations on the Sight, 1322. Origi- nal Legend of Der Frieschiltz, 670. On the Junction of the Royal Academy and National Gallery, 1003.

Paraphrase of the Psalms. 1007. Phoeni- cian Ireland, 669. Phillips's Lectures on Painting, 1056. Philosophical Ma- gazine. 403. Poems by Hartley Cole- ridge, 671. Popular History of Priest. craft. 662. Poetry of Sir Walter Scott, 430,912. Provost of Paris, 670. Persian Fables, 527. Piozziana, 240. Puekle's Club, 1225. Penny Cyclopredia, 1225. PetitTableauL itteraire de la France, 527. Quarterly Review, No. XCVIII., 672. Quarterly Journal of' Agriculture, 527. Rhymed Plea for Tolerance, 671. Rhymes and Rhapsodies, 671. Romances of the Chivalric Ages, 670. Romances of His- tory. 1057. Reminiscences of an Old Traveller, 1225, Reply in Refutation of the Pamphlets of Lieutenant-Gene- ral R. Darling and Major-General H. C. Darling. 1226. Rogers's Poems,

1274. Readings for Sunday Evenings, 527. Reversesof the Fairfax Family; Readings in Poetry, 527. Royal Geo- graphical Society's Journal, 527. Rea- eons for Christianity. 912.

Squire's Exercises and Key to Greek Verse, 983. Sheridan's Guide to the Isle of Wight, 984. Standard Novels, • 1057. Synopsis of Systematic Botany,

1226.. Slats of &away amongst the

Romans, 240. Sketches in Greece and Turkey, 360. Sketch of the Military Service in India. 431. Spectaclanda, 935. School awl Family Manual, 455. Sea Rucking, 456. Three Weeks in Palestine, 679. Trans- atlantic Sketches, 455. Treatise on Happiness, 360. The Heliotrope, 360. The Renegade, 456. Testimony of Nature and Revelation, 360. The Juror's Guide, 240. The Loire. 528. The Exile of Idria, 240. The Comet, 408. The Etheringtons, 912. Time's Telescope for 1833. 240. The Teacher's Lessons, 597. Tales of the Covenantors, 403. Twenty Minutes Advice on the Eves, 935. The Mechanic, 935. Tom Chngle, 1008. Taylor's Anatomical Plates, 1003. Table of French Litera- ture, 1057. The Ocean Bride, 1203. Travels in Turkey, 1204, Uncle Philip's Conversations, 1204. Valpy's Classical Library, 528. Voyage (the). a Poem, 671. Westminster Review, No. XXXVII., 672. Wreath for the Altar of the New Church, 528.

Young Man's Own Boolc, 527.

Zophiel, 671. Zoological Magazine, 431.


Adelphi Theatre, 145, 853. African Actor, the. 328.

Bonn's Great Effort, 1074.

Christmas Theatricals. 1315.

Covent Garden Company, 425. Drury Lane Theatre. 426. Dramatist's Benefit, 571.

Easter Spectacle at Covent Garden, 327. English Opera, the, 879, 1220. Great Theatres, the, 403.

Hackett's (Mr.) Kentuckian, 234. Kean's Last Appearance, 283. Manifesto from Mr. Bunn, 495.

hlathews's Comic Annual, 404, Minor Theatres, 811.

National Theatres. 498.

Opening of the Little Theatres, 927. Plays and Players. 6,39,62,85,104, 169,211. Reeve's Nero, 787.

Sheridan Knowles's New Play, 382. Summer Theatricals, 739.

Theatres in the Strand, 450.

Theatricals, 207. 955. 1002, 1025, 1046, 1093. 1220,1266, 1293.

Victoria Theatre, 839.

Winter Theatres, 902.


Ancient Concerts, 106, 211. 1294.

A Word on the Music of Gustavus, 1074.

Ballet. the. 475, 643, 690.

Benefit Concerts, 405, 426.

Calvary, an Oratorio, 452. Charity Concert at Mrs Hope's, 642. English Opera, A delphi Theatre,668, 1220. Euryanthe, 589. Eisteddvotl, 475.

" Faust," Rehearsal of, 143.

German Opera, the, 234, 354, 589.

Italian Ballet, 523.

Italian Opera, the, 145, 426,475, 571, 690, 764.

La Societe Armonica, 524.

Lent Oratorios, 168.

Liverpool Festival, 929. Madrigal Society, 1099. Malibrau and Schroeder, 474.

Melodists (the) Club. 593. Musical Festivals, 739.

Musical Prospects, 1073. New Miss Paton, the, 812.

New Music, 44, 264. 288, 334, 503, 601, 696, 841, 1081. 1252, 1275.

Northampton Festival, 859.

Norwich -Festival, 883.

Pag,anini, 593. Philharmonic Concerts, 187, 235, 283, 354, 405, 451, 499, 545.

P.osini in Perfection, 404.

Sacred Music at the Philanthropic Chapel, 524.

Sehneidees (F.) "Deluge," '786. Stars of the Ballet, 235.

Tagliones Return, 404. Vocal Concerts, 6, 39, 168, 211, 260.

Visit to the German Opera, 328, Vocal Society, 84. IS Festival, 765, 905. Zaubetflilite, Die, 499.


Ancient Court Dresses, 503.

Annuals, Embellishments of the, 913, 935, 960, 954, 1008, 1057, 1081, 1226.

Associated Painters in Water Colours, 192.

336, 360, 479.

A Visit to the Grosvenor Gallery, 600; to the Started Gallery, 575. Barnard's (George) Landscape Reminis- cences, 792.

Bonington's Sketches. 816. British institution. 551.

Budhist Temple, 67.

Bust of Wilberforce, 745.

Byron's Dream. 1204. Camera, the. 217.

Caricature Models, 19.

Conversazione, 1204. Crnikshauk's (George) Sketch-Book, 623, 792, 1209. Eastern and Egyptian Scenery, 240. Eve (the) of the Deluge, 480. Exhibition at Moon,Boys,andGraves',623.

Fleas, the, 236.

Fresco Paintings, 599. Gallery of Portraits, 192, 457.

Gallery of the Graces, 241, 721,864,1080.

Gas Microscope, 169, 712. Greenwich Pensioners celebrating the An- niversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, 529. Hayter's (George) Etchings, 192.

H. B.'s Political Caricatures, 67, 145, 217, 241, 361. 457, 552.721, 889. Hullumudel's Lithographic Drawing.

Book for 1834,.1881.

Illuminated Ornaments, 457.

Illustrated Books, 90.

Illustrations of' the Waverley Novels, 466; of the Poetical Works of sir Walter Scott,

721.816,936.1032.1251; °Mil Blas.457;

of Modern Sculpture, 721; of Natural History, 1032; of Rogers's Poems, 1266. Landscape and Portrait Illustrations, of Byrun's Works, 20, 192, 456, 721, 817, 936, 1081, 1251.

Liverseege's Works, 20,192, 457, 864. Loudon's Encyclopasdia of Rural Archi- tecture, 192, 529.

Major's Cabinet Gallery, 20,192, 457, 721, 817. 936, 1032, 1251.

Mathematical Abstraetion, 192.- a Mathews's Theatrical Portrait Gallery, 430.

Melling's Sculpture, 499. Microcosm, the, 336.

Modern Painting at the British Institu- tion, 151.

Murray's Embellished Edition of Crabbe, 1033.

Napier's Victory, 726.

Napoleon Breathing, 841. National Portrait Gallery, 192, 457, 721, 841. 1032, 1204.

New Prints, 20, 313, 456, 624, 984. Northcote's Fables. 363.

Old a nil New Loudon Bridges,Views 01,456. Old Pictures at Exeter Hall, 336.

Outlines of Scenery, 91.

Patioram.a of the Falls of Niagara, 552. Panorama of the Siege of Antwerp, 241. Peep into Alfred -Crowquiles Folio, 840. Phantasnieseope, 792.

Pictorial Periodicals, 638, 864, 936, 1032, 1251, 1274.

Pleyground of the London University, 792. Political Pictures, 409.

Portrait Gallery, 20. Portraits of the Dutchess of Kent, 192; Earl Grey, 122, 313 ; Mr. Kinloch, 217; Sir Walter Scott, 721, 792; Duke of Sussex, 1275; Captain Ross, 1275. Portraits of the Public, 721.

Reading the Scriptures. 313. lietzscles Outlines, 792.

Rossi's ;Mr.) Sculptures, 637. Royal Academy, Exhibition of the, 431, 672. 1.274.

Shaw's Specimens of Ancient Furniture, 66. 457. 792- Society of Painters in Water Colours, 408, 936.

Soane's (Sir John) Museum, 261.

Suffolk etreet Gallery; 254, 287, 839, 959. Sunday in London, 361.

Tulip Show, 452. Turner's Water Colour Paintings, Exhibi- tion of, 529.

Views of' Lake Scenery, 192. Widow, or Adieu to the Weeds. 67. Wilkins (Mr.) and his Plans, 192.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Advance in the Price of Lead, by William, Leckie, 1311.

Ancient Concerts, by Drumstick. 1263. Attornics and Barristers-Sheriff's Court Practice, by an Attorney, 1263. Boards of Customs and Excise, by Veri- tag, 322.

British !Museum, by A. R. P., 903. Cheap Publications, by R. Chambers, 397. Colonial Jobbing, by Justitia. 471. Currency, the, by H., 302, 323.

Difficulties of' a Property-tax, by a Con- stant Reader, 1034.

Dissenters' Claim to the Benefits of the English Universities, 1289. Error of the Press, by G. J. Vernon, 495. Exchequer Job, by Englishman, 1288. Factory Commission, by Phile-Justithe,_ 604.

Fine Arts, by George Cattertnole, 1043. First Lord of the Admiralty, by Patina- ma, 546.

Income of Irish Bishops, by an Irish Pro- testant, 212.

Jewish Disabilities, by a Farmer's Daughter, 324. Law of Real Property-Questions to the

Commissioners, by a Reformer, 593. Licences for Vessels and Boats under the

Act against Smuggling. by Veritas, 594. " Maiden" (the) and the "Guillotine," by Septuagenarius, 423. Montgomeryshire Boroughs, 355. Music for the People, by an Uninstructed Lover of Music, 1311.

Nation's (the) Pictures, by an Artist, 783.

Observance of the Sabbath, by W. T., 230. Old Sarum, by J. H. G., 878. Old Witness against the Window-tax,

written by John Asgill in 1715. 1263. Patronage of the Lord Chancellor, by a

Country Commissioner, 572. Patronage of Lord Brougham, by Francis J. Gunning, 593. Pensions, by Justus, 1288.

Portuguese Patriots, by M. G. C., 594. Portuguese Quarrel, by J. F. B. C., 907. Post-office Treatment of Newspapers,930. Reformof the House of Peers, by A.B.,593. Retired Allowances of Commissioners of Customs and Excise, by Scrutator, 639. Retrenchment - Military Academy at Sandhurst, by Britannicus, 1310. Road-making, by an Englishman, 1311. Scientific Honours, by Iona, 907. Superannuation-Mr. Beamish's Case, by Charles Beamish, 715.

Tides, on the, by Walter Forman, 34. Tiptoe Portraits, by Pietro Sedate 423. To the $pectatur's Correspondent at Frank- fort, 1252.

Tricks of Shopkeepers, 1071. Uncharitable Dissenters, 1311.