5 JANUARY 1833, page 5

The Arrival Of M. Pozzo M Borgo, The Veteran Russian

dipk- raatist, is the latest puzzle of tile various circles of London politP cians. Some shake their heads, and declare he cannot be come for nothing : others, on the contrary,......

The Only Immediate Result Of The Expedition Of The French

into 'the Netherlands is, that the Citadel of Antwerp is nowinEelgian .[LATEsr EorriON.] - bands. The whole business in all other points remains exactly the same, and does not......

,"1\ The first day of the New Year has been got over in Paris-with - - out the presence of Pozzo DI BORGO : the Diplomatic Body ad'-- dressed Louts PHILIP according to custom,......

News Of The Week.

As soon as the Dutch King's determination became known re- specting the capitulation, the French seemed to consider th d ' e busi- ness Antwerp as settled: they determined to......