The only immediate result of the expedition of the French
into 'the Netherlands is, that the Citadel of Antwerp is nowinEelgian .[LATEsr EorriON.] - bands. The whole business in all other points remains exactly the same, and does not look at all nearer settlement. The Bel- gians are just now apprehending an invasion from the Dutch aril*: but when are the Belgians not apprehensive? Such an - event is hardly probable : the only effect it is likely to produce,• would be the return of the French a rmr. The diplomatists rue,. however, again at Ni.ork, and have already made another attempt. to make that " darker which was dark enough before." It sect-ifs.. a convention was signed on the 31st December, by Lord PALMER-. sYpN and Prince TALLEYRAND, which is now before the King of Holland. The propositions made to his Dutch Majesty are nine- " It The forts of Lillo and Liefkenshoek to be surrendered to the Belgian. troops within ten days after ratification.
2. The navigation of die Meuse to be•subjected to the same regulations as; those recently established for the Rhine.
• " 8. The navigation of the Scheldt to be entirely free till the conclusion of n: final treaty between Belgium and Holland.
" 4. The transit of Belgian merchandise to.Germany to be free, with the ex- ception of moderate tolls fur support of roads, &e.
. "5. Impunity for all political offences in Venloo and Luxemburg.
44 6. Evacuation of Venloo and the Dutch portion of Luxemburg by the:-
Belgian trumps. .
".7. Reduction of Dutch army to peace establishment.
"8. Reduction of Belgian army to peace establishment.
"9. Restitution to legal owners of Dutch property confiscated by English and French Governments."
The "means of execution" are not mentioned, as has been ob- served by the Times: and indeed it is difficult to see why, unless these "means. of execution" are made pretty obvious to King- WILLIAM, -he should- consent to these propositions any more now,- than before ; for they are the very things in dispute. The con- vention is, however, made known only through a "breach of di- plomatic confidence ;" so that it is not impossible sonic material'. points are suppressed. The answer is expected immediately.