Total paid by Great Britaio.
Conveyance of Colonial Officers £576 Religions In strueion. . 11,000 Additional Expense of the Ecclesiastic-it Establishment in the
West Indies 19,900 Expenses for the support of captured Negroes and liberated Africans, 25,000 Salaries and Incidental Expenses of theCommissionersappointed ' on the part of his Majesty under the Treaties with Spain, Por- tugal, and the Netherlands, for preventinr the Illegal Traffic in
Slaves 16,350 Bounties on Captured Slaves 25.210 Total of Miscellaneous Colonial Expenditure £97,936
Total paid by Colonial Departments in Great Britain-
Colonial Office £27,188 Office for the Registry of Colonial Slaves in Great Britain 1,550 Total of Colonial Departments in Great Britain £28,738