5 JANUARY 1833, Page 8


The Dublin correspondent of the Times, writing on the 2d. January, says-" At this moment Mr. O'Connell and his friends are assembling at the Corn-Exchange rooms, to consult on the formation of a society for the repeal of the Union.' This day has been published an account of the amount of the O'Connell national annuity received for the past year on the tribute-day, the 11th of March last. It amounts to 12,242/. 4s. 5d. It is rumoured that the Catholic clergy will endeavour to raise a tribute for the Pope during this year that will materially interfere with the O'Connell national annuity for 1833." O'Connell and his party hold a sort of Parliament at Dublin on the 15th.

Many cases of slaughter have occurred since the elections began : but we can hardly say that they have been more numerous than usual.