5 JANUARY 1833, Page 9



During the whole week, every description of Stock has been on the rise ; and the anticipations of war, so fondly cherished by the speculating patriots of the Money Market, having heen most wofully falsified, there has been a general " sauve qui petit" among them ; every ore bas hastened to replace his Stock, and Consols have been as high as 87T, ; from which price they retrograded to 87;!, and close this afternoon at 87i. Exchequer Bills have experienced a con- siderable improvement, and are 41, 42 prem. The great abundance of Money will be increased next week by tbe payment of the Dividends ; and if •same disposition for investment continue, a further advance in the price of ..1 public securities may be expected.

The Foreign Funds have all materially improved since the beginning of the week. Belgian Bonds have been as high as 773, and closed at 77k. Brazilian have been at 49, but are to-day lower, ;mil closed at Danish Bonds have improved to 71. Dutch Stork has risen from 414 to 43}, and closed at 431. Greek Stock has been at 30, and is to-day 29, 30. Russikm Bonds have been as high as 1014, and closed at 101i. Spanish Stock was on Monday as low as 13:,-;, but has to-day limn at 10'4, and closed at DU 4. Portuguese Stock and Regency Scrip are rather lower ; the natural consequence of the financial diffi- culty in which Don PEnno's Government is at present placed ; hut as the sub- scription to the new-loan is rapidly tilling, and it will be soon evident that the great sinew of war will not be wanting, we hope that the anticipations of th-.'"rfl

friends of liberty will not be disappointed by the ultimate result of the expedition to Oporto.

By the conditions of the loan raised for the service of the Portuguese Regency, the subscribers were not bound to pay the third instalment till the establish- ment of Don PEDRO'S Government at Lisbon: as that event seems distant, and without further pecuniary assistance impossible, proposals are in circulation for raising a further sum of 150,0001. by the creation of a new stock, to the amount of 300,0001. at 30, beating an interest of 5 per cent. The instalments are to he in five monthly payments of 10 per cent. each; out of which it is proposed to set apart a turn sufficient to provide for two years' interest : for the further pay- ment and ultimate liquidation, the nett revenues of the Island of Madeira are assigned, as soon as it shall come under the dominion of the Regency; and 5,000 pipes of port wine, the property of the Government, which are to be delivered in London before the payment of the two last instalments. In default of the delivery of the wine, only 31 per cent, will be required of the subscribers, in- stead of 30. The spnalation is certainly a hazardous one; but, from the great interest felt in this country for the cause of the young Queen, and the large sums already embarked in its promotion, there can he little doubt that the sub- scription will fill; and we understand that a huge proportion is already sub- scribed for. Of this at least the subscribers may be sure, that from tire respec- tability of all the parties concerned in the negotiation, the means which are thus furnished to support a good cause will be worthily appropriated.


The Market still preserves its upward tendency. Consols for Account opened this morning at S7/5, and continued to improve till the price reached S86 ; a slight reaction took place to 873 ; afterwards, a rally to 88a; and the price is now 8 46,

E.:ehequer Bills have improved to 47s. 50s. prem. Bank Stock is 192.

In the Foreign Market, the improvement in prices has not been so great ; but ;di descriptions of Stock maintain yesterday's quotations, and some are higher. Very little has been done in Spanish Stock, or in Portuguese Bonds or Regency Scrip. The new Loan for Don PEDRO is, we are glad to find, rapidly filling up.


During the afternoon, the rise has continued, and Consols for Account have been at 8, and close "&31, 15i. We cannot find that any very extensive bargains have been effected by any of the leading operators, but the improvement in the Market has been caused by the jobbers buying to cover previous speculation

fur the fall.

The Foreign Stocks nave not improved as much as Consols. Dutch Stock has been at 44. Russian, l021. Belgian, Tit 7S. Portuguese Scrip is lower, 5 4i dig. Spanish has remained at 164:1. We understand that the subscrip- tion for the Loan to Don PEDRO'S Government is full.

3 per Cent. Consols — Belgian 5 p. Cts. ';74 8 Mexican 6 p. Cents. 25 ' Ditto for Account... est j Brzilian 5 per Cts. 484 9 Portuguese 5p. Cts. 49 New 34 p. Cent. Ann.— — Danish 3 per Cents. 71 2 Do. RegencySc. 5p.Ct. 5 41

Bank stock 192 Dutch 24 per Cents. 43t 4 Prussian(1818)5p.Ct. — — India Stock — — French 3 per Cents. — — Russiau(IR2i)Sp Ci. 100.2 Exchequer Bills 48 59 Greek (1825)5 p.Cts. 28 9 SpanEsh (tat) 5 p.Ct. 164