In Russia the Anarchists have seized all the private banks.
The bank officials have gone on strike, and trade will presumably come to a standstill for want of money. The elections for the Constituent Assembly are still far from complete, but the Anarchists elected remain in a minority. Fighting continues in the South and South- East of Russia, between the Anarchists and the Cossacks. The Ukraine has asserted its independence of Petrograd so far as to send a separate delegation to the Peace Conference at Brest-Litovsk. A curious episode has occurred at Harbin, in Manchuria, where Chinese troops intervened to save the city from being looted by Russian Anarchist troops. The Chinese, after a brief fight, disarmed the Anarchists and sent them over the Siberian border. Thus patient China has turned the tables on the Russians, who occupied Manchuria with scant ceremony twenty years ago.