The Turks, With German Support, On Thursday Week Made A
resolute attempt to retake Jerusalem. One Turkish corps attacked from the north along the Nablus road, while another corps attacked from the direction of Jericho. The London......
Our Losses Of Merchantmen By Enemy Mine Or Torpedo Last
week were heavier than they have been for some time past. We lost sixteen large vessels over 1,600 tons and three small vessels, as against twelve large vessels and one small......
Mr. Daniels, The Secretary Of The American Navy, Has...
in his Annual Report, summarized in Wednesday's Times, some of the immense activities of his Department, which, it is common knowledge, has already yielded great assistance to......
News Of The Week.
T HE nation enters upon the New Year with good omens and in much better spirits than were observable a few weeks ago. We have remarked before now that the rise and fall of......
The Prime Minister Issued A New Year Message To The
nation, asking all civilians to do their utmost for the cause, just as our men are doing their utmost on the sea or on the battlefield. " No sacrifice that we who stay at home......
The Enemy Made A Powerful Attack On Our Cambrai Salient
last Sunday. He advanced on a front of two miles against Welsh Ridge, and effected a lodgment on our right and our left. In the course of the day he was expelled by our......
Our French Allies, Whose Lines In France Have Been...
undisturbed during the week, have given the Austrians in Italy the first taste of their quality. Last Sunday, after a furious bombardment, the French stormed and captured Monte......
It Was Announced Last Saturday That Three Of Our Destroyers
were mined or torpedoed in a fog off the Dutch coast on the night of December 22nd. Thirteen officers and one hundred and eighty men were lost in this unfortunate affair,......
The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The "...
will give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......