Lord Rhondda published in Tuesday's papers his model scheme of
food distribution which the local Food Control Committees may adopt, so that each family may have a fair share of the available supplies of butter or margarine and tea. The scheme is, in effect, an extension of the sugar distribution scheme to other foodstuffs. Each customer should be registered with one retailer, who should divide his stock among his customers. The supplies of butter or tea in a district should be divided among the retailers in proportion to the numbers of their customers. The weekly allowance of butter or margarine should not exceed four ounces per head, and the allowance of tea an ounce and a half per head. The weekly allowance of sugar has been fixed at half-a-pound per head. Other foodstuffs may be distributed on similar lines, if the need should arise. The Local Committees should be able to carry out this simple plan of rationing far better than any Department.