The Rural League, of which that arch-veteran and expert agricul-
turist Mr. Jesse Collings is President, has sent us a loaf partly made of potatoes " for review." We are so enchanted with the loaf, both to look at and to eat, that we wish to call attention to the subject. It is indeed of the utmost importance. The fact that potatoes can be used successfully in bread-making is of course well known, but the use of them in this way is nevertheless so little practised that we desire to pass on to our readers the explicit instructions issued by the Rural League. The importance of the recipe consists in this, that it produces from every sack of flour (280 lb.) 120 four-pound loaves, as against 95 four-pound loaves: yielded by ordinary baking from a sack of flour The cost of the Rural League loaf works out at about sixpence. Compare this price with the cost of the subsidized loaf now being sold in the shops at ninepence. Bear in mind also that the ninepenny loaf, if it were not subsidized by the Government at a cost of many millions to the nation, would be about a shilling.