[To ma Enrroa or THE " Sperm"] &H,—Permit me to call attention to the following passage in that fascinating book of Colonel Meadows Taylor, The Story of My Life:— "My assistant Baba Sahib told me (in 1857) that very disagree- able rumours had been flying about, and that it was reported an attempt would soon be made to turn the British out of India. ' Now the almanaek for this year 1914 is most alarming,' said he, ' it declares that the rule of the Company must come to an end in bloodshed and tumult?". The native assistant was, of course, quoting from the Indian almanack, wherein the year 1914 corresponded with the year 1857. in European almanacks. But is it not strange that the native almanack should have named the very year which will, for ever, be associated with the outbreak of the present great world war?—