5 JULY 1851, Page 21


Tuesday, July 1.

pmerNeasmrs DissoLven-Ring and Conquest, Banner Street, tin-plate-workers -J. and J. Jackson, Hull, victuallers-Shaw and Co. Derby, silk-throwsters- Bone and Co. Bury-Wilson, and Doherty, Liverpool, commission-merchants -Wolfenden and Co. Oldham, cotton-spinners-Thompson and Taylor, Salford, carriers-Dyson and Mallinson, Almondburv, cloth-finisbers-Foster and Co. Bickerataffe, Lanca- shire, grocers-Staniland and Long, Bouverie Street, attornics -Nicholson and Hol- laday-, St. Paul's Churchvard, silk-mercers-Fenner and Co. Millwall, manufacturers of mineral composition .1'or the preservation of copper-D. and W. Austen, Rams- gate, brewers-Pashby and Plevins, Birmingham, builders-Wood and Chorlton, Manchester, cheese-factors-Britton and Thompson, Gloucester, iron-merchants - Lemon and Co. merchants-Miller and Co. Liverpool, commission-merchants-M. and .1. Parnell, Plymouth, saddlers-Allen and Brother, Manchester, merchants- Settle and Clarke, Farnworth, Lancashire, surgeons-Commins and Robinson, Plea- sant Place, King's Cross. grocers-Coasens and Sunley, George Yard, Lombard Street, ship-brokers-Boyd, and Co. Liverpool, commission-merchants; as far as re- gards J. G. Brown-Woodcock and Co. Birstal, chemists-Giles and Pearce, Bristol, chemists-Kruse and Macdonald, Savage Gardens, ship-chandlers-Elam and Sons, Sackville Street, woollen-drapers; as far as regards B. Elam-Houghton and Ben- son, Bread Street, tommission-agents-Waterson and Darby. builders-Thomson and Blyth, Wapping High Street, shipwrights-Hunter and Barr, Glasgow, hat- manufacturers ; as for as regards P. Stewart. BANKRUPTS.- OWEN SPARROW, Aldgate High Street, grocer, to surrender July 11, Aug. 13: solicitors, Surr and Gribble, Lombard Street; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street - FRANCIS W001.110USE SAUNDERS, Thame, harness-maker, July 12, Aug. 19 : solicitor, Cooke, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers-LtEwectvx THOMAS, Bristol, ,,grocer, July 14, Aug. 13: solicitor, Biggs Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-James HERVEY, Halifax, stock- broker, July 17, Aug. 23 : solicitors, Parker and Adams, Halifax; Courtenay and Compton, Leeds; official assignee, Young, Leeds. DIVIDENDS.-July 23, Ricketts, Aloorgate Street, merchant-July 23, S. and W. B. Adams, Bow, railway-carriage-builders-July 2i, Chadwick, Rochdale, cotton- spinner-July 22, Lee, Heath, Yorkshire, merchant-July 23, Lister, Lincoln, miller -July 22, Vaughan, Poulton-cum-Spittal, Cheshire, farmer-July 22, Scott, Liver- pool. wine-merchant. CERTIFICATES.-lb be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.-July 22, Cerrito, Mincing Lane, merchant-July 23, Barrett, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, engineer-July 23, Alexander, Maester, Glamorganshire, grocer-July

24, Chadwick, Rochdale, cotton-spinner-July 24, Emery, Preston innkeeper.

DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDs.-Wade, Plymouth, grocer ; div. of 5s any Tuesday or Friday after July 4; Hernaman, Exeter-Richards, Devonport, printer; div. of 2s. 2d. any Tuesday or Friday after July 4; Hernaman, Exeter-Pope, Kidbronk, Kent,cowkeeper; first div. of ls. any Wednesday; Whitmore, BasinghallStreet-Sulli- fast, Norwich, haberdasher; first die, of 5d. July 3, and three subsequent Thurs- days; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Bradford, Long Acre, cheesemonger ; second div. of 4 id. July 3, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street. Scoreu-Smaresvitarioss.-11unter, Bonney-rigg Edinburgh, grocer, June 28, July 18-White, Cuinbernald, Dumbartonshire, r son, July 4, 25 -Meiklejohn, Edinburgh, writer to the signet, July 4, 25-Cat Aday, Dundee, furniture-dealer, July 7, 28.

Friday, July 4.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Wright and Co. Albion Buildings, Bartholomew Close, printers-Heals and Norris, Bristol, builders -Hart and Batten, Deptford, grocers - Bruner and Co. Blackman Street-Sutton and Co. Lond on -Bottoinley and Thomp- son, Croydon, surgeons-Brown and Co. Colchester, dealers in coal-Gibson and Brackenridge, Liverpool, corn-merchants-Harrison jun. and Bulman, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, corn-factors-Vinings and Danger, Bristol, corn-factors-Clay and Lans- ford, Digbeth and Birmingham, surgeons-W. and J. M. Jones, Manchester, ma- chine-makers-Tobiesen and Notley, Hull, tailors-Ensliforth and Tickell, Upper Norton Street, Portland Place, surgeons -Lidstone and Brenton, Plymouth, printers -Merrill and Richards, Drury Lane, stationers-Amoryand Co. Throgmorton Street, attornies-Pilcher and Johnson, Strand, patent-agents-Rogers and Roberts, Liver- pool, drapers-Folijambe and Co. Wakefield, attornies ; as far as regards T. Folijambe - Richmond and Detm old, Billiter Street, merchants -W oolmer and Co. Exeter, printers -Pilfer and Andrews, Great Yarmouth, iron-founders-J. and E. Greatwood, Bir- mingham, confectioners-Res-Holds and Daft, Old Cavendish Street, tailors-Soyer and Feeny, Kensington, restaurateurs-Ward and Cape!, Bridewell Wharf, Black- friars, coal-merchants-J. and J. Grindal, Wigton, Cumberland, mercers-Saunders and Herron, Redbourne, Hertfordshire, fellmongers-Newstead and Co. Manches- ter, wine-merchants-Lucas and Co. Hayfield, Derbyshire, and Wilkinson and Co. Manchester, calico-printers-Langetha and Co. Wolverhampton-Stewart and Cur- tis, Liverpool, wine-merchants- Stimson and Addlesee, Nottingham, boot-makers- Page and Son, Croydon, tailors-J. and J. Batley, Marsh, Huddersfield, cloth- dressers-Holland and Son, lielper, painters -Delorme and Co. Mark Lane, general merchants-Caldecott and Son, Birkenhead, flour-dealers-Pownall and Son, Lau- rence Pouutney Hill, merchants-Rawlinson and Co. Burnley, curriers-Hutchinson and Robinson, Glasgow-Buyers and Lochhead, Sydney, commission-agents ; as far as regrrds W. Lochhead. Baxwaners.-Rolimer GRAY, Edward Street, Hampstead Road, pianoforte-maker, to surrender July 11, Aug. 15 : solicitor, Moxon, Howland Street ; official assignee, Cannon, Birchin Lane-Joins Scmostox ECUs, Aldgate, tailor, July 12, Aug. 8: so- licitors, Overton and Hughes, Old Jewry; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-CieMMES COLLINS and GEORGE TALBOT Rose, Bewdley, carpet-manufac- tnrers, July 15, Aug. 12: solicitors, Boycot and Tudor, Kidderminster; official as- signee, Christie, Birmingham-Timornv Ross, Mancnester, furniture-dealer, July 18, Aug. 8: solicitors, Waller junior, Finsbury Circus ; Taylor, Manchester ; official assignee, Lee, Manchester. DIVIIIIINDS-July 25, Ferrers and Mackintosh, Copthall Court, stock-brokers-July

25, Ilaines, Northampton, grocer-July 31, Garrett, Bath, grocer-July 31, Flood, lInniton, bankers-July 25, Carr, Heaton Norris, cotton-manufacturer.

Ceterirreamrs.-To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of rneeting.-July 28, Clark, Clarence Place, Ciunberwell, auctioneer-July 26, Chap- lain, Sudbury, printer-July 28, NI‘Narnee, Manchester, chemist -July 31, Merrell, Holy Cross, Pershore, Worcestershire, cattle-dealer-July 31, Harper, Dudley, builder. DECLARATIONS or Divinamas.-Lakes, Exeter, provision-dealer; first div. of 7s. 2d. any Tuesday after July 22; Hirtzell, Exeter-Drake, Barnstaple, attorney ; div: of 41d. on new profs, any Tuesday after July 22; Hirtzell, Exeter-Alanson. Liverpool, wine-merchant' second div, of is. 6d. July 7, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Cooke, Liverpool, paperhanger ; first div. of 74d. July 7, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Bourne, Liverpool, cotton-broker ; first div. of 3s. July 7, or airy subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Lees, Liverpool, mer- chant; Second div. of 20. July 7,- of any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool- Vmaillon, PrilICOS Street, Hanover Square; milliner; first div. of 10d. any Wednes- day; Whitmore, Basinghall Street -Albert, Manchester, dealer in mathematical in- strutrients ; final div. of Seld. July 10, or any subsequent Thursday ; Lee, Manchester -Butterworth, Greenbooth Mills, Lancashire woollen-manufacturer; inv. of 1 8. 6d. on debts proved since the first dividend meeting, and a first div. of 7s. on the separate estate, July 10, or any subsequent Thursday Lee, Manchester- Flulme, Manchester, tailor; final div. of Is. July 10, or any subsequent ThursJay; Lee, Manchester-Phillipa„ Warwick, builder ; first div. of 3s. 4d. on any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham-Barber, Walsall,Staffordsloire, banker; sixth div. of 6d. July 10, Or any subsequent Thursday t. Veiny, Birmingham-Phipps, Darlington, draper ; (0,-. of 3s. 4d. to those creditors only who, have, received the div. of 2s. previously de- dared. July 5, or any subsequent Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-John- son, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, banker ; first and final div. of Is. 2 9-16d. July 5, or any subsequent Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle-un-Tyne-Armstrong, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, shipwright; first and final div. of 24dpo. July 5, or any subsequent Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Grey, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, schoolmaster; second div. of Is. id. July 5, or any subsequent Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne- Firth, Leeds, draper; first div. of 2s. any day after July 4; Young, Leeds.