Torhatro Auh Vrintrtago Iu Varliamrnt.
PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OP THE WEEK. norm OP LORD& Monday, June 30. Lord Stanley's Motion On the Affairs of the Cape Colony postponed-Abd-el-Kader's treatment noticed by the Marquis......
The Grand Result Of The Irish Census Realizes The Darkest
fore- boding. The anticipatory statement published in the Times yes- terday cannot be very wide of the mark, for the returns are now complete from all the counties but one. The......
Of A Verity Pio None Is The Most Efficient Promoter
of the Ec- clesiastical Titles Bill. The first vehemence of the panic - irritation excited by his creation of Romanist dioceses and bishops in England gave symptoms of......
There Is A Pause In The Political Movements Of France.
All parties are waiting for the report of the Committee on Revision. The expedition of the President of the Republic to Poitiers is hardly an exception. If Louis Napoleon......