5 JULY 1851, Page 21


Orrice or Ofteevenca, June 30.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Gent. Cadets to be Sec. Lieuts.: C. C. Teesdale, vice Parkin, promoted ; J. Lyons, vice Johnston, pro- moted ; C. E. Torriano, vice Field, promoted ; J. T. B. Brown, vice Bradshaw, pro- moted; C. J. Tyler, vice J. M. Campbell, promoted; G. J. Smart, vice French, pro- moted; R. W. G. Leonard, vice Sir W. Johnson, Bart. promoted ; H. N. Eden, vice Seymour, promoted ; A. W. A. Ogilvie, vice F. Miller, promoted ; R. H. Newholt, vice Haig, promoted; T. Mahon, vice Owen, promoted ; C. E. Stirling, vice Milman, promoted; W. Carey, vice. Boyle, promoted. Corps 0 Royal Engineers-Gent. Cadets to be Sec. Lieuts.: C. N. Martin, vice Clarke, promoted ; F. E. Pratt, vice Bainbrigge, promoted.

Anaraariry, June 26.-Corps of Royal Marines-Gent. Cadet C. F. Daly to be Sec. Lieut.; Gent. Cadet W. Sanders to be Sec. Lieut.