5 JULY 1851, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.

Saturd. Monday Tuesday. Wanes.

3 per Cent Consols shut Ditto for Account r1 cad 971061 971

3 per Cents Reduced 971 97 971

3/ per Cents 98/ 90 Li 961

Long Annuities 74 7 71 71

Bank Stock, 8 per Cent — 213i 214 214 971

India Stock, 104 per Cent shut

Exchequer Bills, 1 ld . per diem 48 pm. 48 45 46

India Bonds,31 per Cent 55 pm. 58 — FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Austrian 6 p. Ct. — Massnehuletta tbLerling)...5 p. Ct

Belem, 44 - 922 Mexican

Ditto 9 - — Michigan 6 -

linuillan 6 - 891 Mississippi 0 - Buenos Ayres 6 - — New York 6 Chinon 6 - 105 Ohio 6

Danish 5 - 103 Pennsylvania a

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 - 591 ex 41. Peruvian 5 - Ditto 4 - 911 Portuguese 6 - French 3 - — Ditto, 9 Ditto 5 - illf. 50e. Russian 5 - Indiana 4 - 74 Spanish 5 - Illinois 6 - — Ditto 3 Kentucky - — Ditto (Passive)

Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - 90ex d. Ditto (Coupons) Maryland (Sterling) 5 - 964 Venexuela Active


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

lttaLWATS- Das ss-- Caledonian 101. Australasian

Edinburgh and Glasgow 291 British North American Eastern Counties 02 Colonial Great Northern 171 Commercial of London Great South. and West. Ireland.. 391 London and Westminster Great Western • 31 London Juint Stock Hull and Selby — National of Ireland Lancashire and Yorkshire 51 National Provincial Lancaster and Carlisle 80 Provincial of Ireland London Brighton and South Coast 942 union of Australia London and Illaekwall 7 Union of London Lund. and North-western 1221 MIN as-

Midland 446 Bola nNorth British Braxilian Imperial

Scottish Central 228154 Ditto (St. John del Rey) South-eastern and Dover Cobrc Copper South-western 831 Miscm.s.sx roes- York, Newcastle, and Berwick. 101 Australian Agricultural York and North Midland let Canada

DOCKS— Genorul Steam

East and West India 144 Peninsular and Oriental Steam .

London 1131 Royal Stall Steam St. Katherine 77 South Australian BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Ac 7th and 8th Victorin, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the 28th day of June 1851.


427,693,495 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,064,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 13,060.120 Silver Bullion 23,376 £37,693,495 £27,693,495


Proprietors' Capital E14,553,000 Rest 3,103,220 Public Deposits* 9,102,585 Other Deposits 9,012,082 Seven Day and other Bills 1,080,126 .C36,853,013 £36,053,013 • Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, inmmisslonersof National Debt, & Dividend Accts.

BULLION. Per us. METALS. Per ton.

New Dollars 0 4 111 Lead, British Pig 17 0 Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard f.3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes .C84 0

Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, British liars .... 3 2 0.. 0 0 0

6 .. 510 0 0 .. 17 10 0

Silver in liars, Standard 0 6 01 Steel, Swedish Keg... 14 15 0 15 o 9

GRAIN. Mark Lane, July 4.

s. 8.

Maple 31 to 33 Oats, Feed .. 17 to 18 Whim 26 -27 Floe .. la -19

Boilers 27 -28 Poland ... 21-32

Beans, licks. 28-29 Fine .. 22 -23 Old 21 -30 Potato 24 -25 Indian Cons 28 -31 Fine 24-26 Oats 20 7 Peas 27 7 Wheat.... 4us. 04. Rye 26s. 3d.

Barley-- 24 6 Beans 30 6 Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. AVERAGE PR CES OF CORN. Wheat . 42.. 44.I Rye 28s.11d. Oats 22 6 Peas 29 2 Harley 25 2 Beans ...... 32 1 For the Week ending June 28. WEEKLY AVER/suit.

Town-made per sack 37s. to 471..

Seconds 36 - 39 Eases and Suffolk, on board ship 32 - 34 Norfolk and Stonsion 29 - 31 American per barrel 20 24 Canadian 20 24 Bread, 5141. to 7d. the 41b loaf

FLOUR. Butter-Rest Fresh, Ils. Od. per dos.

Cheese, Cheshire 42 - 70 Eggs, French, per 120,4s, 351. to 51.0d. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 521. to 56e.

Hams, York 60 - 66 Carlow, el. Os. to 01. Os. per cwt. Derby Plain 48 - 60 PROVISIONS BUTCH EltS• MEAT.

Nasvostra AND LSADSSKSI.S.• flosentricto.• BEAD or CArrLs AS s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Barratissa. Beet .. 2 4 to 2 10 to 3 4 .... 2 2 to 3 4 to 3 8( Friday. Monday

Mutton 2 8- 3 4 - 3 8 .... 3 2- 3 8- 4 0I Beasts. 906 3.136

Veal 2 4- 3 4- 4 0 .... 2 6- 3 4- 3 10, Sheep .14.860 30,690 Pork„ . 2 8 - 3 4 - 3 8 .. . 3 6 - 3 8 - 3 10 ! Calves. 693 330

Lamb,. 4 0 - 4 4 - 6 0 .... 4 4 - 4 8 - 3 0 I Pigs . - 393 . .4 , 410

• To slick the offal, per 8 lb.


84.. to 103s. I Down and half-bred Hogs per lb. I2d. to 131d,

90 - 150 11 Welber and Ewe 10 - III 80 - 100 Leicester ilogget and Wether 12 - 0 0 - 0 Fine Combing 101-114

HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 30 Trusses.)


81s. to Ms 84s. to 56,. Ms. to 111t. Hay, Good 60 - 75 65 - 66 0 - 0 Inferior) 0 - 0 18 - 63 New 63 - 72 68 - 90 90 - 94 Clover 131 - 95 21 - 99 23 -28 Wheat Straw 28 - 30 GROCERIES.

Tea, Snuehong, line,per lb.. ls. 01. to 25. 24. Congou, fine I 4 - 1 7 Pekoe, Bowery 1 6 - 3 0 • In Ikaid-Duty 2s. Id. Der lb. Coffee, flue (in bond) per cwt. 69s. to

Good Ordinary ....... 47 - 49s. Od. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt... 244 711.

West India Molasses 13s. Od. to 16x. ed.


971 98



57 974 971 99 71 49 1061 341 98 104 821 cx d.

901 861ex d.

201 391 6 33


3,3 131 181exd.


15 49 271 Snead 70 241 Notes issued Government Securities (In- eluding Dead Weight/mutiny) £13,344,781 Other Securities 14,246,602 Notes Gold and Silver Coin 8,417,600 624,470 Wheat,R.New 41 to93 Fine 43-94 Old 40-42

White 44-46

Fine 46 -48 Super. New. 48 -52 Rye 23 to 24 Barley 22- 23 Malting 16 -27 Malt, Ord. 48-50 Fine 50 -52

Peas, Hog 29 -3a


Kent Pockets Choice ditto Sussex ditto Farnham ditto OILS. COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil per cwt. SI 11 Refined 1 14 Linseed011 1 12 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 9 10

Candles., per dozen, 4s. 64. to 5s. 6d. Moulds 16d. per dox.discount) Ts. Od.

Coals, Het ton 14 6 Tees 14 6