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THE Queen and Prince Albert, and four of their children, went with the King of the Belgians and his sons and daughter to Osborne on Saturday, and remained there till Tuesday. The Prince Augustus of Cobourg joined them on Sunday afternoon, and returned with them to London. On Monday, the young Belgian Princes, the Due de Brabant and the Comte de Flandres, crossed to Portsmouth, and went over the Dockyard, return- ing to Osborne early. The Royal party returned to London on Tuesday; and in the evening the senior members were present at Her Majesty's Thea- tre. On Wednesday the English Royal Duchesses, and the French Royal Family with the exception of the Countess de Neuilly, bade King Leopold and his children farewell. On Thursday the visitors embarked at Woolwich, for Brussels. They started from Buckingham Palace at half-past seven in the morning; but the Duchess of Kent had arrived beforehand, and joined in the affectionate good-byes. About an hoar after the departure of the Bel- gian relatives, Prince Albert left the Palace for Ipswich, to receive an address-from the Museum there, of which he is President, and to be present at the yearly meeting of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. The Duchess of Kent stopped to dine with her daugh- ter; and in the evening the Queen and the Duchess went together to Her Majesty's Theatre.