5 JULY 1930, Page 22


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Stn,—Readers of the Spectator will greatly rejoice at the news Sir Robert Gower was able to impart to the annual meeting of the R.S.P.C.A., last week, viz.. the conclusion of an agreement between the authorities at Vaugirard Horse Abattoir and the Council of the R.S.P.C.A., whereby the former undertook that all horses at Vaugirard should be slaughtered by the Humane Killer and that the Society's English representative in Paris (an ex-artillery officer) should have a free pass admit- ting to all parts of the slaughter house, on any day, and at any time, and the Society agreed to supply the required imple- ments and ammunition for a year. This is the most important step forward which has yet taken place, and all those to whom a horse has no nationality will rejoice that this arrangement, covering all horses, and not merely those—be they few or

many—sent direct from England to this abattoir, has been secured by negotiation.

Whatever be the fate of the Bill, now hung up in Com- mittx, the present agreement comes at once into operation and now it is up to every decent English citizen to see that the Humane Slaughter Bill (England) is no longer delayed, but that all English cattle, sheep and pigs share in the same benefit which is thus secured to horses slaughtered at Vaugirard, and also at Lyons where the municipal authorities have entered into a like agreement with the R.S.P.C.A.—I am,