Tue Road Engineers Wife.
In many rather unexpected directions appear symptoms of the zeal for preserving rural England. There has been an outcrop of novels and plays, which might almost have been......
Country Life
A GUILD OF BRIDGE-BUILDERS. It is sometimes said that Herefordshire is behind the times, and on behalf of that lovely county I should like first, to put it on record that it has......
In The Other Stream Coarse Fish Abound And Have Multiplied
much, but a certain number suffer from fungoid growths that need more special investigation than they have received. They are said to be less sensitive to pollution than the......
The Repairing Has Been Done By A Body That Might,
but does not, dignify itself by the name of a Guild of Masons. A company of local masons has been got together, and assured constant work of this kind. They have become so......
Maligned Bf.et.
Farmers in many districts especially in East Anglia have been angered by an onslaught on sugar-beet and the form of its encouragement. The crop has saved a great number of......
Toe Star Of Holland.
It is the time of roses ; and though some lament the many plagues of the year roses are flowering supremely. Novelties are as many as ever ; but wherever I go I find an......
On The Question Of Actual River Pollution—there Are Two...
streams in Hertfordshire which have quite defeated modern science. One of them, not long ago a very line trout stream—and the brown trout is a sort of emblem of purity —is......
Old England.
You cannot do any work in rural England without unearthing evidence of historic continuity. In reconditioning one old Herefordshire bridge was found a bronze token of the date......