[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sur,—Just because I am
Perfervid Scot I dislike when my countrymen write, as "Thistle" does in your issue of 21st June, to point out the obvious. There is a certain lack of dignity in his criticism worthy of Richie Moniplies, but now out of place. Is it not enough that we give such men as Haig and Balfour for the country's service without demanding the advertisement ? We have never lacked great men at any period, halo insist on the fact is a Scottish type of meticulous- ness which lends support to the legend that we also lack humour. The Spectator should, of course, have remained essentially Scottish in its genius, but Hutton andTownsend and especially St. Loe Strachey gave it that " throw " which has tended to make it, until recent years, a foreign paper read in Scotland. After reading the Spectator for more than thirty years, I am certain its outlook gets broader, and therefore more British. Can you or any reader tell where 'Untold was born ?— I am, Sir, &e., AYRSHIRE. [The answer is `• at Tibbermuir, Pertlishire."— Eo.Spectatur.]