The weekly review of the situation in India issued by
the Government of India on Monday admits that the Simon Report has had " an unfavourable reception from rractically all Indian quarters." For the first time for several weeks, however, the Government is able to record a marked improvement in the North-West frontier Province. That obstinate old gentleman, the Haji of Turangzai, who must have spent many clays in his under- ground cavern while aeroplanes bombed his mountainous stronghold, has at last yielded to peaceful persuasion. A jirga of Mohmand elders from British territory visited him and convinced him that his cams belli was based on false information and misunderstandings. On Monday the Working Committee of the All-India Congress was declared an unlawful association. Pandit Motilal Nehru, the President, was arrested, together with the Secretary, Dr. Syed Mahmud. As the special correspondent of the Times says, this act " virtually amounts to a declaration of war on the Congress itself." On Tuesday the two prisoners were sentenced to six months' imprisonment.
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