The Rhineland
On Monday the military evacuation of the Rhineland was completed. As a result of the steady withdrawals of French and Belgian soldiers during the past few months only a few French troops remained. The departure of these on Monday was followed by the formal resignation by the inter-Allied Commission. The British, French and Belgian flags were hauled down. The rest was happy celebration by the Rhinelanders of their recovered freedom. The evacuation ought to have been carried out much earlier. The occupation was intended only as a pledge of German performance ; but as Germany had in fact given numerous other pledg.7; of her good faith (which she could not have failed to
redeem even if she had wished to do so) the continued Occupation became unnecessary long ago. On the other hand, it must be acknowledged that it might have lasted even longer if Herr Stresemann had not been the sagacious statesman that he was. This month President Hindenburg will visit the Rhineland for the first time since the War. France would do well to recognize now the desirability of relaxing forthwith her hold upon the Saar.