5 JULY 1935, Page 20

Green "Litterature"

Personally, and in regard to a particular Common much defaced by litter, I could find no one to tell me whether the County Council had adopted this law or not. A direct letter . to the County Council was courteously answered, and both pamphlets and posters sent ; but the curious comment was made that the council did not themselves put up such posters. This implies that they take no steps to see that the by-law is observed.. It is not observed, and prosecutions are virtually

unknown. Now very neat litter notices (containing " green thoughts " on a green background) are in existence. They may be seen for example on the North Devon coast near Woolaeombe. I would make a suggestion. Let such a neat and salient notice be standardized and adopted—preferably by the Council for the Preservation of Rural England. Let local councils and private wardens of beauty be encouraged to set these out at what may be called litter centres. They would be a valuable form of what Lewis Carroll in his punning days used to call litter-ature. A few well-advertised prosecu- tions would help. Standard receptacles for litter, on the Dutch model, would be of service in many places.