Business And Trade Barriers At The Congress Of The...
Chamber of Commerce held in Paris last week it was once again shown that the expert business men of the world are aware of certain measures that must be taken before trade can......
Noise As A Public Nuisance At Last It Is Coming
to be recognized in official circles, as elsewhere, that noises may be as much a " nuisance " to the public and as damaging to health as open drains or polluted water. At the......
, The Government Is For The Time Being So Firmly
en- trenched in the House of Commons and in the support of the country that one or two Cabinet Ministers are adopting a rather contemptuous tone in their answers to......
British Culture Abroad Addressing The British Council For...
Other Countries last Tuesday, the Prince of Wales cited the case of Egypt as an example of our failure in the past to promote British culture abroad. In Egypt, despite our,......
British Submarine Policy • Mr. Lloyd George's Persistence...
charge against the Government regarding submarines after the First Lord of the Admiralty's explicit and comprehensive denial in-the House of Commons is beyond understanding. In......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...
proposal to create a special constituency for the Speaker is dead so far as this Parliament is concerned. I understand that a similar suggestion was discussed by the Cabinet in......
That Was Impressively Proved On Tuesday By The Uproar...
at question time over the proposed cession of territory tentatively suggested in the Rome conversations as a solution of the Italo-Abyssinian conflict. To the demand of Captain......