Cure for cricket
Sir : I wonder if I might be allowed to correct one point in Christopher Hollis's most interest- ing article (14 June)?
It is incorrect to suggest that English players have any objection to the relaxation of the rule regarding the inclusion of overseas stars. It happens that I was one of those who played some part in achieving the position that now obtains whereby players like Sobers and Kanhai are taking part in this year's county champion- ship. In the course of this activity I discussed the matter with many English county cricketers and I never found one who was other than enthusiastic about the idea of allowing the stars to come in.
The reason is, of course, quite simple. Being sensible fellows, county cricketers were con- cerned that the theatres in which they were performing were not attracting the customers and if, as seemed likely, the importation of a few Oliviers would help to keep the theatres open, then this would be all to the good, even if it should mean that a few of their own num- ber might be displaced in the process.
L. E. Weidberg 14 Templewood Avenue, Hampstead, London NW3