Imbecile Power
Sir: In his article `Imbecile power' (31 May), Cohn Welch speaks of Maximilian Robespierre in an extremely derogatory way. He asserts that Paul Johnson, editor of the New......
The Lords And The Constitution
Sir: You ask (28 June) what I would have said if the House of Commons had rejected the Government's sanctions order, made to imple- ment the Security Councrs decision under......
Clearing The Bog
Sir: I fear that I must take issue with Mr D. C. Watt's review of my book, Poland and the Western Powers 1938-1939 (28 June). Accord- ing to the reviewer, 'Its central theme......
A Revolution Diary
Sir: It is well known that English is a secret language. Any foreigner who dares to criticise Miss Nancy Mitford, our most brilliant ex- ponent, would do well to spend time......
Who Failed Whom ?
Sir : Perhaps a guest, as I am in your country, should maintain a discreet silence, but Mr Patrick Cosgrave's words on the failure of the young in his essay on student power (14......
Cure For Cricket
Sir : I wonder if I might be allowed to correct one point in Christopher Hollis's most interest- ing article (14 June)? It is incorrect to suggest that English players have any......