5 JUNE 1920, Page 2

In broad daylight last Tuesday afternoon some scores of young

Sinn Feiners achieved " peaceful penetration " of the Registry of Deeds in Dublin, which was .supposed to be protected by an armed guard. The raiders held up the sentry with revolvers, disarmed him and then carried out the same process with the rest of the guard. They then drove =away in two motor-cars with the arms and equipment of the guard, including a Lewis gun and 500 rounds of ammunition. When we read this amazing story our first thought was that some one had been hoaxing the newspapers. What on earth is the use of an armed guard which cannot even protect its own rifles and ammunition ? We should very much like to know what was Sir Neville Macready's first comment on the news. We have no doubt that that gallant and very efficient officer will take the necessary steps to deal with whoever is responsible for such a practical commentary on Partridge's famous remarks about the superiority of one man with a pistol to a hundred unarmed men. We are left guessing whether the fault lay in placing• inexperienced " young soldiers" In a position of responsibility, or in giving them such orders that they were afraid to use, their arms.