5 JUNE 1920, page 15

Suggestive Names In Fiction.

[To THE EDITOR OF THS " SPECTATOR."] . SIR,—None of your correspondents refers to Anthony Trollope's talent for nomenclature. He seems to be better known and loved in Amereia......

The Thresher And The Whale. (to The Editor Of The

" SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The reviewer, in your issue of May 29th of Mr. J. T. Buchanan's Account Rendered, refers to the time honoured yarn of the battle between the thresher and the......

A Protest From The Madras Zamindars.

Ws have received the following telegram from Masulipatam with reference to the new franchise proposals :- Madras Zamindari Landholders' Association greatly regrets that the......


TO MY CAT. Wawa sprays of roses fall, Hiding the old moat wall, 'Neath the white lilies tall. Stretched out he lies. Purring in utter bliss, Who is so staunch as this Friend......

The Theatre.

" MARY ROSE," BY SIR JAMES BARRIE, AT THE HAYMARK ET. Soso authors stoop without conquering, others conquer without stooping. Sir James Barrie both stoops and conquers. There is......

A Tame Leopard.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—The following story has been recalled to my mind by the otter story published in the Spectator of May 15th, and may prove interesting.......

Notice.—when " Correspondence " Or Articles Are Signed...

writer's name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or......