* * * • I see that the Medical Officer
of Health for the City of London has reported on the " damage and nuisance " caused by the four thousand pigeons in this town of ten million men and women. He says they cannot be des- cribed as wild birds, and that therefore the London County Council and Metropolitan Boroughs Joint Com- mittee must be approached for permission to slaughter them. I hope these bodies will give no such permission. Dr. Howarth himself says : " I think everyone would regret the total disappearance of these birds from our midst," but he adds that there are too many in certain areas. May be. But London loves it pigeons, and it would be ridiculous to destroy them without further inquiry into public opinion. Surely there are many more important things to do in safeguarding the health of the City of London than to attack the poor pigeons ! If their own health needs protection against diseases due to overcrowding, that is another matter.