5 JUNE 1926, page 19

The Recent Issues Of Messrs. Benn's Augustan Books Of Modern

Poetry at ls. each are Humbert Wolfe, Edith Sitwell, Alice Meynell, Thomas Campion, Lawrence Binyon and Bret Haste. Two hundred thousand copies of this series were sold in the......

This Week's Books

M.R. AriBADE MINNIGERODE has written seven scintillating and informal biographies of Some Amerkan Ladies (Putnam, 15s.) —all except one the wives of Presidents. The article on......

The Authorship Of The Fourth Gospel

The Fourth Evangelist. By Charles Frederick Nolloth, MA., D.Litt. (John Murray. 10s. 6d.) The Fourth Gospel: Its Historical Importance. By P. V. Smith, M.A., LL,D. (S.P.O.K. 3s.......

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A Manual of Metallurgy (Chapman and Hall, 25s.), by Sir Robert Hadfield, demands more expert treatment than can be given here. The author starts with the birth of science,......

* * * * We Have Received A Pamphlet, If

:1 Were France, by Mr. Gabriel Wells, published at the Garden City Press, New York. His proposal, briefly, is that the League of Nations should make a dispassionate revision of......

The Liberation Of Mankind (harrap, 7s. 6d.) By Mr, Hendrick

Van Loon tells the story of man's intellectual freedom in a simple—sometimes almost flippant—style. There is no doubt that the book will be widely read and do some good, for its......

* * * * Messrs. Harrap's Neatly Bound Essays Of

To-day and Yesterday, published at is. 2d. each, supply a need by providing us with good literature in pocket size. The last two volumes contain excerpts from the works of Mr.......

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Quite one of the most amusing books on the later Victorian Age is The Romantic '90's, by Mr. Richard Le Gallienne (Putnam. 10s. 6d.). There arc some droll and delightful stories......

A New Competition

The Editor offers a prize of £5 for a list of the seven greatest Victorians. Fob the purposes of the competition, we confine the word " Victorians ' to the British Empire. What......