LECTURES : _ IN LONDON Wedne sday, June 9th. .5.30 p.m.—Tam
PiaLosormc BASHI OF HINDUISM. By PrbfeSSoir- Ridliikrisliniui. The first of a course of three 'public lectiiies-Under- the auspices Of the British Institute of Philosophic: -StUdieS. Tickets can be obtained on application to the Director_of the Institute, 88 Kingsway, W.C. 2, At King's College, Strand.
Friday, June 11th. 540 p.m.—Tim DEVELOPMENT OF IRONY, By Mr. J. A. K. Thomson. At King's College, Strand. • Saturday, 'June 12th. 3.0 p.m. =THE ExAmINATION OF TUB MUMMY or Tux-ANKH-AMEN. By Mr. Howard Carter. Under the auspices of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 21' Albemarle
Street, Piccadilly: •
Stmday,, Juni..13th: 07,1E S UGGESTED REFORILS IN SECONDARY EDUCATION, PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE PUHLI. SOI0OLS: by Mr. M. L. SaCkiai. :Under the auspices of the `-` Five Quarters." At the :Guildhotise,._ Eceleston Squared