The Lion Has Worms Although there were lapses here and
there, everybody seems agreed that the general standard of design throughout the wide range of Coronation decorations, emblems and souvenirs was remarkably high. Having taken so much trouble over things which are mostly ephemeral and will soon disappear, couldn't we, by a supreme effort of the national will, do some- thing about that minor but permanent crime against good taste, the British Railways lion ? I know of nothing that call be said in defence of this odious vermivore (for such the creature would appear to be). Equally offensive to heralds, to naturalists and even to patriots, the animal contrives to appear at once jaunty and chetif; every time I see him flexing his coW hocks on a railway engine, I think for some reason of Dr. Dalton, of potato-rationing, of the Common Man. Is it too late to consider replacing by some worthier emblem a design which would barely pass muster on the label of a bottle of Old Scotch Whisky distilled in Japan and peddled round Papua